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Re: [802.3_TIME] IEEE P802.3bf Editorial Comments Motion


I'm not sure if this helps, but the latest draft of P802.1AS is D7.2. It is available at:

(this is, of course, in the 802.1 private area).

The date of the draft is August 18, 2010. This is the draft that was recirculated for the first sponsor ballot recirculation. (There will be a subsequent draft, which will be available around October 15; however
as of right now D7.2 is the latest draft.)


Best regards,

Geoffrey M. Garner
Samsung (Consultant)
Editor, P802.1AS

----- Original Message ----- From: "Geoff Thompson" <thompson@xxxxxxxx>
To: <STDS-802-3-TIME@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 1:18 PM
Subject: Re: [802.3_TIME] IEEE P802.3bf Editorial Comments Motion


On 20/9/10 6:10 AM, Steven B. Carlson wrote:

In order to make the best use of our time, our Chief Editor, Marek
Hajduczenia, will present a motion on Tuesday to approve the proposed
responses to the following comments in bulk:

IEEE 802.1AS: 279, 205, 204, 301, 271,

Regarding the response to 205.
I have a great deal of difficulty with the concept of a document being a normative reference IF the draft has not been published, as this response implies. Thus, I would have to object to this proposed response which would possibly leave it out of the references. My request would be simply to add P802.1 as to the references clause with whatever note it takes to rationalize the availability of the draft.
Regarding the response to 301
I have no argument with the response, however neither the comment or the response have anything to do with 802.1AS. Perhaps you men 310.
IEEE 297, 277, 250, 192, 259, 234, 247, 198, 265
Clause 89: 278, 301, 202
Page numbers: 291, 298, 270, 209
Colors: 276
Acronyms: 205, 221, 233,

Regarding the response to comment 233
The response mentions implementing it "along with 221" It is a separate issue from 221. The mentioned abbreviations are already in 1.5. Ilango wants the existing abbreviations expanded in the abstract.
Format changes: 235

In support of the change
According to the front matter of the main standard, the last PHY that got approved by ANSI was 100BASE-T2
We no longer are an "ANSI/IEEE" standard and should not be cited as such.
For one thing, it detracts from our "international style". Further, such a citation could be used against us by certain national bodies as evidence that we are a national standard and thus not appropriate to be covered under the PSDO.
URL: 248

Please review these comments prior to our meeting on Tuesday. If you
disagree with the proposed response to any of the above comments, we will
remove it from the bucket.



Steven B. Carlson
Chair, 802.3bf TimeSync Task Force
Executive Secretary, IEEE 802.3 Working Group
High Speed Design, Inc.
11929 NW Old Quarry Road
Portland, OR 97229


    Geoff Thompson

Geoffrey O. Thompson
Chair, IEEE 802.23 Emergency Services Working Group

GraCaSI Standards Advisory Services
158 Paseo Ct.
Mountain View, CA 94043-5286