Comments to Clause 41 CommentNumber: 41-1 CommenterName: Don Wong CommenterEmail: CommenterPhone: +1 408 764 6636 CommenterFax: +1 408 764 8589 CommenterCo: 3Com Corporation Clause: 41 Sumclause: Page: 41.11 Line: CommentType: E Comment: No definition to ALLXJIP. Reference to ALLXJIP made for jump transition from PREAMBLE to IDLE. CommentEnd: SuggestedRemedy: Add ALLXJIP to RemedyEnd: CommentResolution: Withdrawn: There are several variations of the ANYXJIPN and ALLXJIPN notations used in the state machines. In the definition of these port designations is that “One or more of the J, I, P, or N indications are used …” ResolutionEnd: CommentNumber: 41-2 CommenterName: Don Wong CommenterEmail: CommenterPhone: +1 408 764 6636 CommenterFax: +1 408 764 8589 CommenterCo: 3Com Corporation Clause: 41 Sumclause: Page: 41.10 Line: 6 CommentType: E Comment: To match fig 41.5, change “ISOLATION state” to “STABILIZATION WAIT state” CommentEnd: SuggestedRemedy: Change “ISOLATION state” to “STABILIZATION WAIT state” RemedyEnd: CommentResolution: Accepted: The definition will be reworded as follows: idle_timer Timer for the length of time without carrier activity that must be present to set isolate(X) to false. ResolutionEnd: CommentNumber: 41-3 CommenterName: Don Wong CommenterEmail: CommenterPhone: +1 408 764 6636 CommenterFax: +1 408 764 8589 CommenterCo: 3Com Corporation Clause: 41 Sumclause: Page: 41.10 Line: 2 CommentType: E Comment: To match fig 41.5, change “ISOLATION state” to “LINK UNSTABLE state” CommentEnd: SuggestedRemedy: Change “ISOLATION state” to “LINK UNSTABLE state” RemedyEnd: CommentResolution: Accepted: The definition will be reworded as follows: false_carrier_timer Timer for the length of false carrier that must be present to set isolate(X) to true. ResolutionEnd: CommentNumber: 41-4 CommenterName: Don Wong CommenterEmail: CommenterPhone: +1 408 764 6636 CommenterFax: +1 408 764 8589 CommenterCo: 3Com Corporation Clause: 41 Sumclause: Page: 41.12 Line: fig 41.2 CommentType: E Comment: Maybe it’s my printer, but … The jump condition from JAM to ERRORWAIT (as shown on my printout) is CRS(ONLY) = true : [N <= port(CRS = true)] is “:” suppose to be there? If so, what is meaning of “CRS(ONLY1) = true : [N <= port(CRS = true)]” CommentEnd: SuggestedRemedy: If “CRS(ONLY1) = true : [N <= port(CRS = true)]” is correct, add note to fig 41.2 to explain expression RemedyEnd: CommentResolution: Accepted: The meaning of the “:”, “[ ]”, and “<=” are defined in the 802.3 standard clause 1.2.1 State Diagram Conventions. No change will be made to the state machine, however the definition of the Port designation “N” on page 41.10 will be reworded to: “Identifies the port that caused the exit from the IDLE or JAM states of figure 41-2. The value is assigned in the term assignment statement on the transition out of these states (see 1.2.1 for State Diagram Conventions).” ResolutionEnd: CommentNumber: 41-5 CommenterName: Don Wong CommenterEmail: CommenterPhone: +1 408 764 6636 CommenterFax: +1 408 764 8589 CommenterCo: 3Com Corporation Clause: 41 Sumclause: Page: 41.10 Line: 24 CommentType: E Comment: The sentence “Timer for length of valid carrier that must be present before the Isolation state is exit” is confusing. Looking at fig 41.5, there’s no “Isolation” STATE. Should the sentence reads “Timer for length of valid carrier that must be present before the isolation(X) is set to false” CommentEnd: SuggestedRemedy: Change sentence to “Timer for length of valid carrier that must be present before the isolation(X) is set to false” RemedyEnd: CommentResolution: Accepted: See comment 41-6. ResolutionEnd: CommentNumber: 41-6 CommenterName: Don Wong CommenterEmail: CommenterPhone: +1 408 764 6636 CommenterFax: +1 408 764 8589 CommenterCo: 3Com Corporation Clause: 41 Sumclause: Page: 41.15 Line: fig 41.5 CommentType: T Comment: Jump condition from “SSD PENDING WAIT” to “LINK WAIT” (CRS(X) = false) * valid_carrier_timer_done which causes isolation(X) <= false. Doesn’t match line 24-25, page 41.10 valid _carrier_timer Timer for length of valid carrier that must be present before the Isolation state is exit Should it be (CRS(X) = true) * valid_carrier_timer_done? CommentEnd: SuggestedRemedy: Change to (CRS(X) = true) * valid_carrier_timer_done RemedyEnd: CommentResolution: Accepted with different remedy: The jump condition is correct as written. The state of valid_carrier_timer_done is evaluated when CRS(X) = false. Accepted as an editorial change to reword page 41.10 lines 24-25 as follows: valid_carrier_timer Timer for the minimum length of valid carrier that must be present to cause isolate(X) to be set to false at the end of the carrier event. ResolutionEnd: CommentNumber: 41-7 CommenterName: Don Wong CommenterEmail: CommenterPhone: +1 408 764 6636 CommenterFax: +1 408 764 8589 CommenterCo: 3Com Corporation Clause: 41 Sumclause: Page: 41.15 Line: fig 41.5 CommentType: T Comment: If my previous comment is correct concerning “(CRS(X) = true) * valid_carrier_timer_done” The should the jump condition from “SSD PENDING WAIT” to “LINK UNSTABLE” be changed from ((RX_DV(X) = false) * (RX_ER(X) = true) * (RXD(X) = FalseCarrier)) + ((CRS(X) = false) * valid_carrier_timer_not_done) to ((RX_DV(X) = false) * (RX_ER(X) = true) * (RXD(X) = FalseCarrier)) + (CRS(X) = false) CommentEnd: SuggestedRemedy: Change jump condition to ((RX_DV(X) = false) * (RX_ER(X) = true) * (RXD(X) = FalseCarrier)) + (CRS(X) = false) RemedyEnd: CommentResolution: Rejected: The jump condition is correct as written. The state of valid_carrier_timer_not_done is evaluated when CRS(X) = false. ResolutionEnd: CommentNumber: 41-8 CommenterName: David Law CommenterEmail: CommenterPhone: +44 1442 438060 CommenterFax: +44 1442 438333 CommenterCo: 3Com Clause: 41 Sumclause: 41.5 Page: 41.18 Line: 15 CommentType: T Comment: Marking of crossover ports is a ‘should’ in the text, i.e. an optional item, yet in the PICS it is marked a Mandatory. Which is correct. FYI it is a shall in 10BASE-T (see 14.5.2). CommentEnd: SuggestedRemedy: If this labeling is mandatory ‘… should be marked …’ should read ‘… shall be marked …’ RemedyEnd: CommentResolution: Accepted: Shall be changed to ‘… shall be marked …’ ResolutionEnd: CommentNumber: 41-9 CommenterName: David Law CommenterEmail: CommenterPhone: +44 1442 438060 CommenterFax: +44 1442 438333 CommenterCo: 3Com Clause: 41 Sumclause: Page: 41.12 to 41.15 Line: CommentType: E Comment: These figures appear to have be number incorrectly, a dash rather than a period should be used between the clause number and figure number. CommentEnd: SuggestedRemedy: ’41.2’ should read ‘41-2’ ’41.3’ should read ‘41-3’ ’41.4’ should read ‘41-4’ ’41.5’ should read ‘41-5’ RemedyEnd: CommentResolution: Accepted. ResolutionEnd: CommentNumber: 41-10 CommenterName: David Law CommenterEmail: CommenterPhone: +44 1442 438060 CommenterFax: +44 1442 438333 CommenterCo: 3Com Clause: 41 Sumclause: 41.6.3 Page: 41.21 Line: 6 to 20 CommentType: E Comment: The support field of a optional item of a PICS entry should read ‘Yes[] No[]’ CommentEnd: SuggestedRemedy: Add ‘Yes[] No[]’ to each Optional entry of the PICS. RemedyEnd: CommentResolution: Accepted. ResolutionEnd: CommentNumber: 41-11 CommenterName: David Law CommenterEmail: CommenterPhone: +44 1442 438060 CommenterFax: +44 1442 438333 CommenterCo: 3Com Clause: 41 Sumclause: 41.6.3 Page: 41.21 Line: 19 CommentType: T Comment: CommentEnd: SuggestedRemedy: ‘… non 100BASE-T signals’ should read ‘… non 1000 Mb/s signals’ RemedyEnd: CommentResolution: Accepted. ResolutionEnd: CommentNumber: 41-12 CommenterName: David Law CommenterEmail: CommenterPhone: +44 1442 438060 CommenterFax: +44 1442 438333 CommenterCo: 3Com Clause: 41 Sumclause: Page: 41.28 Line: 6 to 20 CommentType: E Comment: The support field is missing from all the entries, ‘LB1 to LB7’. CommentEnd: SuggestedRemedy: Add ‘Yes[]’ to Manditory entry LB1. Add ‘Yes[] No[]’ to each Optional entry, LB2 to LB7. RemedyEnd: CommentResolution: Accepted. ResolutionEnd: CommentNumber: 41-13 CommenterName: Mohan Kalkunte CommenterEmail: CommenterPhone CommenterFax: CommenterCo: Advanced Micro Devices Clause: 41 Sumclause: Page: 41.10 Line: 15-17 CommentType: T Comment: Having accepted the proposal to extend the burstLimit to 64K bits, we need to extend the jabber_timer value. CommentEnd: SuggestedRemedy: Change the jabber_timer_done values to 80 000 - 150 000 BT. RemedyEnd: CommentResolution: Accepted. ResolutionEnd: