REV V5, Feb 1998
This guide has been prepared to assist in the submittal of the PAR for
consideration by the New Standards Committee (NesCom) and approval by the
IEEE Standards Board as an IEEE Standards Project. Submitters should also
refer to the latest edition of the IEEE Standards Operations Manual for
further information.
A PAR must be received by the Standards Department at least 40 calendar
days before the next Standards Board meeting in order for it to be considered
at that meeting.
Enter date when PAR was submitted to IEEE.
If this PAR is for a new project, leave this space blank. The Standards
Department will assign a number. If this PAR is for a revision of a standard,
or if it updates an existing PAR, enter the existing standard or PAR number.
Confer with staff for clarification.
Leave blank. The Standards Department will complete upon approval.
4. Project Title and Working Group/Sponsor for Project
The project title should include the type of document. For example:
A. Standard Test Method for ..... B. Recommended Practice for ..... C.
Guide for.....
For the submitter's reference, standards are documents with mandatory requirements
and are generally characterized by the use of the verb "shall."
Recommended practices are documents in which procedures and positions preferred
by IEEE are presented and are generally characterized by the use of the
verb "should."
Guides are documents in which alternative approaches to good practice are
suggested, but no clear-cut recommendations are made. They are generally
categorized by the use of the verb "may."
The title should not contain the acronym "IEEE." This is added to the title
when published.
All acronyms should be spelled out.
The copyright form, the last page in the electronic
PAR form (and a seperate page for the HTML version), must be submitted
by postal mail or FAX to the IEEE office before the PAR will be approved.
In order to comply with US copyright law, the IEEE and its legal counsel
request that a copyright agreement be signed by the Official Reporter,
who is the chair of the working group. This signed copyright agreement
is an official part of the IEEE Standards Project Authorization Request
(PAR). The PAR will not be submitted to the Standards Board until the copyright
agreement is signed by the proper person.
Indicate the names of the Official Reporter (usually the Working Group
Chair). IEEE Membership number is required. If the Working Group Chair
(WG) is different from the Official Reporter, enter the name and address
in the space provided.
Enter the name of the sponsoring society and the name of the sponsoring
committee (i.e., Power Engineering/Switchgear, not PE/SWG) responsible
for the development and coordination of the project and for the maintenance
of the document after approval by the Standards Board. The name entered
here should not be confused with the name of the group writing the standard.
If the project is sponsored by two or more committees, enter all committee
names and indicate that the work is a jointly sponsored project. When a
Standards Coordinating Committee (SCC) is developing the document, enter
the SCC number and name as the sponsor (i.e., Standards Coordinating Committee
4 -- Thermal Rating).
5a. Will this PAR update an existing PAR?
If YES, then indicate the original PAR number and approval date and
if this effort is in ballot now. Finally, if this PAR is a revision, a
short letter indicating the changes to the original PAR and rationale MUST
be submitted with the PAR revision request.
5b. Indicate whether this work will result in
a new standard, a revision of an existing standard (indicate
standard number and year), or a supplement to an existing standard
(indicate standard number and year) Supplements are additions to existing
standards and may contain corrections and/or minor revisions to the standards
that are not extensive enough to justify a complete revision.
5c. Is this document intended for trial use or full
A standard can be designated for trial use when a draft that has been generated
satisfies the standards-developing group (i.e., subcommittee or working
group), but needs input from a very broad constituency. This is a preferred
alternative to the widespread distribution of unapproved drafts. Such a
draft requires a letter ballot of the sponsor and approval by the Standards
Board as a trial-use standard. Trial-use standards are effective for not
more than two years from the date of publication. In the absence of comments
received in the trial period, the document is subject to adoption as a
full-use standard upon receipt of written recommendation from the sponsor
and approval by the Standards Board.
5d. The target completion is the month/year when
the completed draft and balloting results are expected to be submitted
to RevCom for approval. (Not to exceed 4 years.)
The submittal should clearly and concisely define the scope of the document
(use attachment sheet if necessary). The scope generally describes "what"
will be done, i.e., the technical boundaries of the project. For example:
"Scope: This project will develop a standard protocol for the control
of printers. This protocol will be independent of the underlying datastream
or page description language used to create the printed page. This protocol
will be usable by all classes of printers. This project is limited to management
and control of printers and will not include management or control of printing
systems or subsystems."
The submittal should clearly and concisely define the purpose of the document
(use attachment sheet if necessary). The purpose generally describes "why"
a project will be done. For example:
""Purpose: There is currently no defined, independent standard for controlling
printers. Each vendor builds some control into the underlying page description
language or datastream. Without an independent, openly defined protocol,
applications and operating systems cannot automatically determine the type
of printer being addressed. This protocol will provide a minimum implementation
subset which will allow automatic identification and configuration of printers
and vendor extensibility to provide for growth and product differentiation."
The purpose of the document should be consistent with the description of
the document in Item 5, the title in Item 4, and the scope in Item 6. If
the title of the document is "Guide for .....," it is inconsistent if the
purpose states "This document will describe standard criteria ....."
The scope, purpose, and/or title indicated on the PAR should agree in principle
with the scope, purpose, and/or title stated in the document at the time
of submittal to the IEEE Standards Board.
8. Intellectual Property
8a. If an IEEE standards-developing committee chooses
to use patented technology in its standard, it is essential that the committee
cite the reasons why such technology needs to be incorporated into the
standard. In addition, alternative technologies should be identified that
achieve the same end, along with the advantages and disadvantages of that
alternative technology. This information shall be placed on file in the
IEEE Standards Department.
8b.If the proposed standard uses copyrighted material,
copyright releases must be obtained by the working group and included in
the final package submitted to the Standards Board. Additionally, remember
that during development of your approved project, the proper IEEE copyright
notices must be maintained on all drafts. Contact the Standards Department
to obtain the current IEEE Copyright Guide.
8c. If the proposed standard uses any trademarked
terms, the name of the trademark owner and whether or not the trademark
is registered must be indicated.
Refer to the IEEE Standards Operations Manual for IEEE patent, copyright,
and trademark policies.
Identify any standard(s) of similar scope(s) and explain the need for an
additional standard in this area.
If the project is intended to be submitted to the appropriate international
technical committee as the basis of or for inclusion in an international
standard, or if this standard is intended to be adopted as the international
standard, this should be noted here and included in the coordination. It
is important for all working group members to be aware of international
activity within their area of technical expertise and if the effort is
not going to be internationalize, the reason should be given.
No intensive research required; only obvious or general health, safety,
or environmental issues that would be affected by this work need to be
Coordination set by IEEE. Coordination with SCC10 (IEEE Dictionary) and
SCC 14 (IEEE Staff Editorial Review) is mandatory to ensure that there
are no serious editorial, structural, or style issues that could delay
the publication process.
Before the sponsor balloting process begins, at least one draft should
be sent to the
Publication Manager, IEEE Standards Department, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O.
Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 USA. Coordination with SCC14 (Standards
Coordinating Committee on Quantities, Units, and Letter Symbols) is required
for review of metric dimensioning. The contact can be obtained by calling
the NesCom secretary at (732) 562-3808.
Enter the organizations outside the sponsoring committee that will coordinate
on the document. It is not necessary to indicate coordination with a group
that is within the sponsoring committee. It is assumed that the sponsoring
committee will take care of the necessary coordination within its organization.
For each organization indicated, a method of coordination must be specified.
Methods of coordination are circulation of drafts(DR), liaison membership
(LI) (an individual designated by his or her organization to participate
in the development of the standard) and common membership (CO) (an individual
on the developing committee who is also a member of an organization specified
for required coordination). Unless the coordinator is an officer of the
coordinating organization at the time of balloting, the coordinating organization
must formally designate a coordinator in writing and the sponsor is required
to include this information in the final package submitted for approval
to the Standards Board. If any other method of coordination is used, please
Be specific when specifying an organization. Indicate the correct level
in the committee or subcommittee structure, as well as the main organization.
Do not specify individuals without their organizational association, or
working groups without their associated society/committee affiliation.
If there is to be coordination with an international organization, the
appropriate channel (i.e., the US TAG) should be identified. For instance,
you may want to coordinate with the international committee on Microprocessor
Systems. Who you actually coordinate with is the US Technical Advisory
Group (TAG), which develops the US position. Other countries do not use
the "TAG" mechanism, but there is an equivalent committee at their national
level. Examples:
Coordination with the Switchgear Assemblies Subcommittee of PES should
read: PES/SWG/Switchgear Assemblies Subcommittee (Power Engineering Society/Switchgear
Committee/Switchgear Assemblies Subcommittee)
Coordination with the P1003.1 Working Group of the Computer Society should
read: C/PA/P1003.1 (Computer Society/Portable Applications Standards Committee/P1003.1
Working Group)
Coordination with Working Group 1 of SC6 of JTC1 should read:
"ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 TAG/WG1 (ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1/Subcommittee
6 TAG/Working Group 1)"
If you are submitting an updated PAR or a PAR for the revision of a document
and are changing the coordination as stated on the previous PAR, an explanation
for the change(s) must be included.
If no coordination is needed, a statement with an explanation must be included.
The IEEE Registration Authority Committee (IEEE/RAC) has registered Organizationally
Unique Identifiers (OUI) since 1986. There is a need in the field of many
technologies for the unambiguous identification of objects to provide interoperability
between systems. Individual standards committees have defined, as part
of their development of technical standards, classes of objects (e.g. fonts,
coded character sets, protocols, etc.). Specific objects are the individual
members of the class of objects (e.g. for the class of objects "fonts",
the objects might be "Times", "Gothic", etc.). Registration is the process
whereby unambiguous names are formally associated with objects. This may
be done by an organization, a standard, or an automated facility. For more
information concerning the IEEE/RAC, please call 732-562-3813.
Leave this section blank. If "others" recommend coordination to be added,
the Standards Staff will send a letter of explanation to the prospective
body. If this requested coordination is agreed to by the prospective body,
the proposed coordination will then be added to the PAR for formal approval
by NesCom at the next scheduled Standards Board meeting. A confirming letter
will be sent to the working group chair and liaison representative for
their files.
If you have any questions, contact:
NesCom Secretary
IEEE Standards Department
445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331
Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 USA
(732) 562-3808
(732)562-1571 fax - E-Mail