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[802-LMSC] Acting Recording Secretary for March and PARs / CSDs Reminder

Greetings LMSC!

It's an honor to be at the table with you all; thanks again for the confirmation.

In preparation for my future role as 802 LMSC recording secretary, I will be the acting recording secretary for the March Plenary.  Although I may have a different approach, I have been directed to be just as much of a pain as John was!  :-)  If contacting me directly via email regarding any issues related to the meeting, please cc John.

Working Group Chairs -
This is your reminder to submit for review any PARs and, if applicable, responses to the CSD, to the Reflector.  30 days prior to the day of the opening session is February 8th ... Please also respond directly to this email if you anticipate having new PARs/CSDs at the March Plenary so I can track.

Thanks in advance for your grace as I get up to speed.  I look forward to working with you all!


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