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All – just a reminder, the 30 day notice for any rules changes which may have a motion to approve is coming up soon. It is 30 days for the LMSC Ops Manuarl, P&Ps, and the Working Group P&Ps: According to the ops manual, clause 17: Revisions to the IEEE 802 LMSC OM shall be submitted by a IEEE 802 LMSC member to the IEEE 802 LMSC no less than 30 day in advance of a motion (or conclusion of an electronic ballot) to approve them. Amendments in response to comments on
the proposed revision are permitted. Note that the LMSC and Working Group P&P’s say the same (at clauses 10 & 13, respectively). Updates to the Chair’s guidelines are less formal and do not have a time deadline, but one might say that the “path to success” involves similar advance notice of a proposed change. 30 days in advance of the Rules meeting would be this Saturday, February 8, and that notice would be appreciated. However, the hard date is 30 days in advance of the closing plenary (which is when any motions might be heard) is 12 February
2025. Please let me know if you have anything for the Rules meeting agenda (I already have Jon’s item revising sanctions for non-payment, as well as those items continued over from November) as soon as possible, even if not for a vote. Notification
sometime next week would be appreciated (preferably by February 12, although the same hard deadline doesn’t apply), so that I can publish an agenda in advance. George A. Zimmerman, Ph.D. 2nd Vice Chair, IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee CME Consulting, Inc. 1-310-920-3860 To unsubscribe from the STDS-802-LMSC list, click the following link: |