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[802-LMSC] November 2024 IEEE 802 LMSC Workishop Action Item Follow up

Dear 802 LMSC Members,

The minutes from the November Workshop ( contain 15 action items, summarized in  (Thank you Stephen McCann for the outstanding minutes.)

One of the things I neglected to do during the meeting have each of the assignees estimate a due dates for their action item.  For those with action item assignments, please review the Action Item List and provide me and Stephen MCann with an estimated due date no later than Friday 04 March 2025.  We will add the dates to the Action Item List and use this to track progress. 

I plan on spending a 5-10 minutes during the opening 802 LMSC meeting in Atlanta Monday 07 March 2025 to review the list and due dates.  My plan is to regularly update the action item list each plenary session.  Thank you for your support!



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