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[802-LMSC] Number of Active PARs and Active Standards by Working Group

Dear All:

IEEE 802 has the following number of active PARs (by Working Group):

IEEE 802.1 - 21
IEEE 802.3 - 6
IEEE 802.11 - 7
IEEE 802.15 - 10
IEEE 802.19 - 1

IEEE 802 has the following number of active Standards (by Working Group):

IEEE 802.1 - 36
IEEE 802.3 - 13
IEEE 802.11 - 3
IEEE 802.15 - 10
IEEE 802.19 - 2

Best regards,

Jodi Haasz

Senior Manager

Operational Program Management

O: +1 732 562 6367

M: +1 732 439 9144 |

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