[802-LMSC] FWD: [Action Item] Call for Nominations - IEEE Computer Society Leadership Positions
Please consider nominating an appropriate individual for IEEE Computer Society leadership.
James Gilb
IEEE 802 LMSC Chair
Date: Mar 5, 2025, 2:34 PM
From: amkelly@xxxxxxxxxxxx
To: sab@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Action Item] Call for Nominations - IEEE Computer Society Leadership Positions
> Dear SAB members,
> A reminder about the upcoming deadline to submit a nomination for CS leadership positions.
> Thanks for your consideration,> Anne Marie
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *> This message is sent on the behalf of 202> 5> IEEE CS Nominations Committee Chair, > Jyotika Athavale> *
> What will be > your > lasting> > impact on the computing profession?
> Computing is integral to every aspect of our society, and more now than ever, is facing a landscape of challenges and opportunities with potential for true societal-scale impact. The IEEE Computer Society’s annual election is an opportunity to augment your impact on the profession.
> The Computer Society is a global organization whose activities support technical advances that are shaping all of our daily lives. A leadership position, as a Board of Governors member, as VP, or as president, provides a platform for engagement across that large body of work. Our elected leadership works to provide strategic direction, start impactful new activities, and ensure the Society is working in important and compelling areas.
> Some recent examples of strategic work led by our senior elected volunteers include:
> · Technical forums that bring together industry, academic, and government experts to explore important contemporary societal-scale issues in computing;
> · New standards work that build consensus around emerging technical areas;
> · New student competitions that provide teams with industry-representative challenges to tackle; and
> · New funding opportunities that support diversity and inclusion as well as emerging technical work in computing.
> The Computer Society interacts with hundreds of thousands of computing professionals every year, across 168 countries. We take our mission to serve the entire computing profession seriously. But we can’t do this without the commitment and perspective of our members and volunteers. Will you help us by adding your voice to the conversation?
> Completed nomination forms> for 2026 leadership positions may> be submitted> > either> as a Word Document > to > csnominations@xxxxxxxxxxxx> > or via a Google Form. > Further details, including position descriptions and the nomination form> s> , > are available on our webpage> > Call for Nominations <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.computer.org/volunteering/nomination-election/nominations__;!!DZ3fjg!4vPnvjNyHn0fZK1iNr96jwhEGcRGECKIN3-S4qeQqTHY8IJGuUmcW7QRXIbqPQiu6WPLOPpvl52JNa3uyD-u$>> .> Nominations are due > no later than > Monday, 10 > March 202> 5> at> 5:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)> /21:00 UTC> .> > Nominations received after this date/time will not be accepted.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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