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Re: [802-LMSC] 802.1 fee waivers

Hi James and Glenn,
Yes, if we do not have this information in an easily accessible way, we could send a request for payment for those you intended to have a waiver.

WG Chairs, Please help the Meeting Planners, Treasurers, and Exec Secretary know who is to have a waiver, so we do not inadvertently ask for payment.
Letting the 802 Chair know, and have all the waivers in one place is greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,

Jon Rosdahl                                           Engineer, Senior Staff
IEEE 802 LMSC Executive Secretary  Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
office: 801-492-4023                             10871 North 5750 West
cell:   801-376-6435                               Highland, UT 84003 USA

A Job is only necessary to eat!
A Family is necessary to be happy!!

On Thu, Mar 6, 2025 at 10:36 AM James P. K. Gilb <00002e97ee634fdf-dmarc-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thanks for the information.

I think gathering this information in one place may help with deadbeat determination.

Of course, it is the WG Chair's prerogative to grant these and could be granted during the Plenary session and so miss my opening slides.

I will put these on a slide for information at the opening meeting.
James Gilb
IEEE 802 LMSC Chair

Mar 5, 2025, 2:59 PM by 00000f6f9e80d40c-dmarc-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

> Colleagues,
> In addition to the fee waiver I indicated at the last LMSC call, as 802.1 chair I plan to offer additional fee waivers for the individuals below to attend specific meetings remotely.
> I do not think it is necessary to update 3.02 of the LMSC opening agenda or add a new agenda for this, as LMSC approval is not required.
> Cheers,
> Glenn.
> ---
> [3] Working Group Chair designated remote individuals limited to specific topics - Single Meeting (IEEE 802 LMSC Operations Manual, Clause 5)
> Jordon Woods, editor of IEC/IEEE 60802, for 60802 meetings to resolve SA ballot comments and report to the 802.1 plenary
> Lisa Maile, as potential editor, to discuss P802.1CBec PAR during the 802.1 plenary
> Lars Voelker, invited expert on Automotive application of MACsec and MKA in Security TG meetings
> Nader Zein, secretary, to record minutes during the P802.1DP meeting
> Norman Finn, to provide 802.1 input to 802 history meeting
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