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[802-LMSC] +++ LMSC Consent Agenda - 14 March 2025 - IEEE 802.3 items +++

Hi Beth,
I'd like to request that you place the following IEEE 802.3 items on the Friday, 14 March 2025, IEEE 802 LMSC meeting consent agenda.
Thanks, and best regards,
NesCom items
ME*: IEEE P802.3-2022/Cor 2 (IEEE 802.3dr) Multi-Gigabit Optical Automotive Ethernet Transmitter Distortion Figure Of Merit (48-hour rule)
Approve forwarding IEEE P802.3-2022/Cor 2 (IEEE 802.3dr) PAR documentation in <> to NesCom
Move: Law
Second: D'Ambrosia
RevCom items
ME*: IEEE P802.3.2 (IEEE 802.3.2a) YANG Data Model Definitions RevCom submittal (conditional)
Conditionally approve sending IEEE P802.3.2 (IEEE 802.3.2a) YANG Data Model Definitions to RevCom
Move: Law
Second: D'Ambrosia
Study Group rechartering
MI*: IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Powering Cabling Restrictions Study Group (second rechartering)
Grant the second rechartering of IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Powering Cabling Restrictions Study Group
Move: Law
Second: D'Ambrosia
MI*: IEEE 802.3 Pin-Optimized PHY Interface Study Group (first rechartering)
Grant the first rechartering of IEEE 802.3 Pin-Optimized PHY Interface Study Group
Move: Law
Second: D'Ambrosia
Study Group extension
ME*: IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Powering Cabling Restrictions Study Group extension
Grant a six-month extension of the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Powering Cabling Restrictions Study Group
Move: Law
Second: D'Ambrosia
Draft-sharing relationship
ME*: Draft-sharing relationship between the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Working Group and Ultra Ethernet Consortium (UEC)
Establish a draft-sharing relationship between the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Working Group and Ultra Ethernet Consortium (UEC)
Move: Law
Second: D'Ambrosia
Establishment of a liaison relationship
ME*: Establishment of IEEE 802.3 liaison relationships
Establish a liaison relationship with the Ultra Ethernet Consortium (UEC), the Open Compute Project (OCP) Foundation, the Storage Networking Industry Association/Small Form Factor Committee (SNIA/SFF), Ultra Accelerator Link (UALink) Consortium, and Ethernet Alliance (EA)
Move: Law
Second: D'Ambrosia
Appointment of Standards Committee External Liaison Coordinator (aka liaison officer)
ME*: IEEE 802.3 Standards Committee External Liaison coordinators (aka liaison officers)
Confirm the appointment of:
Mark Nowell as the IEEE 802.3 Standards Committee External Liaison coordinator to the Ultra Ethernet Consortium (UEC)
John D'Ambrosia as the IEEE 802.3 Standards Committee External Liaison coordinator to the Open Compute Project (OCP) Foundation
Nathan Tracy as the IEEE 802.3 Standards Committee External Liaison coordinator to the Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF)
Tom Palkert as the IEEE 802.3 Standards Committee External Liaison coordinator to the Storage Networking Industry Association/Small Form Factor Committee (SNIA/SFF)
Kent Lusted as the IEEE 802.3 Standards Committee External Liaison coordinator to the Ultra Accelerator Link (UALink) Consortium
Peter Jones as the IEEE 802.3 Standards Committee External Liaison coordinator to the Ethernet Alliance (EA)
Move: Law
Second: George Zimmerman
Information items
II*: IEEE 802.3 updates to ITU-T SG15 ANT and OTNT standardisation overview and work plans liaison letters
The IEEE 802.3 liaison letter to ITU T SG15 providing updates to the Access Network Transport (ANT) standardisation overview and work plan can be accessed at <> and the IEEE 802.3 liaison letter to ITU T SG15 providing updates to the Optical Transport Networks & Technologies (OTNT) standardisation overview and work plans can be accessed at <>.

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