Dear IEEE Listserv List Owner,
We are pleased to inform you that the issue causing domains to auto-reject emails from the IEEE Listserv has been resolved by technical support. Email delivery to all and Yahoo-hosted domains such as,, and, from the Listserv has resumed. If your mailing list was affected by this issue, please review your list and re-add any email addresses that were previously auto-rejected.
If your mailing list was affected by this issue, please review your list and re-add any email addresses that were previously auto-rejected and deleted.
Use the following steps to check your list for deleted email addresses within the last 7 days:
- Log in to Listserv and click [List Management - List Activity Reports]
- Choose a list from the [Select List] Dropdown menu
- Under [Report Events], select [Autodel] only
- Under [Report Period], set the Start Date / End Date within last week and today
- Click [Update] to generate a report of deleted subscribers
- Under [Report Format], click the down arrow to select [CSV Format]
- Click [Update] next to the option to download a copy of the report to your computer
- Follow the steps to pull only the email addresses from the report into a plain text format file and upload the addresses back into your list.
IEEE Email Team