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All – The rules meeting report was updated to include announcement references for the ‘Meeting Start Time’ LMSC ops manual change. ( And the rules motions were updated ( Updates to the proposed motion include the “Meeting Start Time” item discussed, amending the ops manual at 4.1.4 Procedure to limit IEEE 802 sponsor meetings (correcting the sponsor, and deleting items d & e which specify the meeting times in conflict with 5.1, which states that the LMSC determines the times and dates of meetings) I am proposing a single motion to modify the LMSC operations manual for all 3 operations manual items discussed, brought under clause 17 of the LMSC operations manual. I understand the issue of student fees
in the chairs guidelines, while also discussed in the rules meeting, will be brought under the executive secretary’s agenda item. George A. Zimmerman, Ph.D. 2nd Vice Chair, IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee CME Consulting, Inc. 1-310-920-3860 To unsubscribe from the STDS-802-LMSC list, click the following link: |