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[LinkSec] Reminder: Call at 4:00pm EST today

Just a reminder that we have a conference call in few minutes.

Call in details:

Date: Tuesday December 3rd, 2002
Time: 4:00 PM EST
Dial: 877-237-7156
The International/toll number is: 908-991-0191
Access code for both: 826435


PS: This is the first message sent to the Link Security Reflector,
partially used as a test message.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Link Security ECSG: Meeting Announcement
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2002 09:21:59 -0500
From: Dolors Sala <>

Dear 802.3 members,

The first meeting of the Link Security Study Group
will take place on January 9th-10th, 2003 at the Fairmont
Hotel Vancouver in Vancouver, BC.  It is collocated
with P802.3ah EFM, P802.3af DTE power and P802.1.
The meeting announcement can be found at:

The hotel reservation deadline is Friday, December 6th.
Please make your reservation at the Fairmont Hotel
Vancouver, which has provided us with an outstanding
room rate for this meeting.

There will be a registration fee charged for this meeting, and
the web pre-registration form will be posted in early December.

The home page of the study group can be found at:

IEEE IT is working in setting up a reflector for the SG.
An announcement will be sent when the reflector
is ready. Before then, please check the home page for
additional updates. The reflector should be available shortly.
Until then we will continue using the P2MP reflector for
PON and Ethernet security related topics and use direct
email for all other issues. Please send me email at if you would like to be included in the
direct correspondence list.

The agenda for the meeting is to work on the charter of the SG:
    1. Evaluate link security architecture issues with the objective
    of identifying the broader scope that can be common to
    all MAC solutions

    2. Develop a PAR and 5 Criteria for a new standard for
    link security that can be applied to IEEE 802 networks,
    and in particular to 802.3 networks

    3. Make a recommendation on the placement of the
    project within IEEE 802 and/or existing working groups

Contributions on the following topics are encouraged:

1. General Requirements
    - Target scenarios
    - General definition of security for 802 networks
    - Backwards compatibility requirements
    - Summary of 802.10, 802.11, 802.15, 802.16 Requirements
2. Threat model
    - Proposed Ethernet Threat model
    - Summary of 802.10, 802.11, 802.15, 802.16 Threat model
3. General framework
    - Security architecture proposals
    - Evaluation studies of existing security architectures
    - Layer model Proposals
    - Proposals of MAC independent functionality
4. MAC specific
    - Proposals for ethernet dependent functionality
5. PAR and 5 Criteria

We will follow 802.3 rules and EFM operational practices.
So please note that contribution submission deadline is
Monday, December 30th.

Following the tradition of this group, we will have weekly calls
starting next week to motivate collaboration and discussion.
The call next week is tentatively scheduled for
Tuesday, Dec 3rd, 2003 at 4:00pm EST. A confirmation notice
with call in details will follow shortly and posted at the home page.

The first conference call will be used to organize the effort,
and identify a lead for each of the topics.

I look forward to seeing you in Vancouver.

Dolors Sala
Chair, IEEE 802 Link Security ECSG