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Re: [LinkSec] Teleconf 12/17 notes

allyn romanow wrote:
> Here are notes from the Conference call today - with the usual apologies to
> people whose names I mangled, and whose messages I sorely garbled. Send
> corrections, suggestions to me or the list, whichever seems appropriate -
> thanks, Allyn
Thanks, Allyn, for the excellent notes.  I had a conflict today that
  came up at the last minute.  Grumble.

Anyway, I have a comment on the notes:

There was a discussion about "self containedness" and having protocols
  depend on lower-layer protocols.  From a security perspective, the
  time you get into trouble is if your higher-layer key-management
  makes some *security critical* assumptions about the layers underneath
  it.  For example, a key-management scheme that assume that its
  transport mechanism provided confidentiality and cryptographic
  wouldn't necessarily have those mechanisms native to it.  It most
  it's a terribly assumption for key-management to assume that it rides
  on top of a secure transmission layer.  In IPsec, the key-management
  scheme rides on top of UDP, but provides secure key-management
  for the two cryptographic transforms (AH and ESP) that sit lower in
  stack.  The only assumptions that the key-management layer makes is
  some significant fraction of the time, its transmission channel
  (UDP+IP+{whatever}) manages to get packets through.

In our situation, key management could well be done at any of the
  provided that its *security-critical* assumptions are all

Marcus Leech                             Mail:   Dept 8M70, MS 012, FITZ
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Security Architecture and Planning       Fax:   (ESN) 393-9435  +1 613
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Nortel Networks                
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