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Re: [LinkSec] Teleconf 12/17 notes: DOCSIS pointers

The DOCSIS pointers I promised last call are now posted in a new section of
the home page (see new section at the end on
"other related links").

In addition to give the pointer to Cable Labs home page, I have added the
specific pointers to:

Executive summary of security in DOCSIS (5 pages)
Complete BPI+ specification (170 pages)

I addition, the following contribution on Comparative analysis of Link
security mechanisms has a summary on DOCSIS (pages 19-26)

Hope this helps,


> Dolors - any questions on DOCSIS that Antti or she can answer?
> Dave - can someone who knows DOCSIS write a summary?
> Dolors- there is a summary, from New Orleans meeting, comparative
> analysis of link security mechanisms
> 2 page executive summary that Cable Labs have, she can give reference
> BPI 100 pages, Baseline Privacy Interface
> Antti - 802.16 has directly copied from DOCSIS. He has an executive
summary of
> 802.16, he'll look and find security section
> Dolors will send pointers out to the list