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RE: FW: [LinkSec] Requirements


>I'm not sure our models have converged yet, but they are probably getting
>closer, so let me see if this answer makes any sense as a reply to your
>question, or at least gets us another step forward.
>In my basic model (at least the only variant of it that has seriously been
>worked out and deployed) all the links that are ever at a network perimeter
>(statically or dynamically as the network 'grows' from its core) are point
>to point and protection is applied on a link hop by link hop basis so the
>answer to the question 'where is the bridge through which I wish to access
>the rest of the network' is an easy one. It is the bridge at the other end
>of the link.

This is a huge simplification over the problem that 802.10 tried to handle 
with probes.  If this simplification meets the requirements of all known 
potential users, then I can see how probes are easily avoided.

>A bridge or end station that has multiple links will independently attempt
>to seek connectivity on all its links. This process takes no account of the
>spanning tree active topology at any time, .1D has a section that explains
>that getting connectivity from a port to the rest of the network is
>independent of the relay connectivity provided by the spanning tree
>controlled MAC Relay Entity. This means that all the possible links
>are/should be preauthenticated and preauthorised before the spanning tree
>active topology needs to use them - so A&A doesn't impact reconfig time.

Since each port could be associated with a different Authentication 
Service, I would not expect the bridge to wait for all of the ports to be 
authenticated before passing traffic.  What state is a port that is waiting 
authentication in?  Disabled?

>Clearly this model needs extending and refining to shared or semi-shared
>media, and how that is done depends on the number of possible links. For a
>.3ah ONU there is really only one link (to the OLT) so the fact that the
>media is (semi) shared doesn't alter the basic procedure at all. Note that,
>just as with Link Aggregation, A&A needs to run below any 'fixup bridging'
>layer which converts the intrinsic point-to-multipoint nature of .3ah to a
>shared media (this is not an architectural problem, and has no bearing on
>which group should do the work).

I agree.  In fact, 802.10b SDE had a similar layer placement.  SDE is below 
the 802.1D, so it can be used to protect BPDUs.

>For a shared media such as wireless there may be an embarassing number of
>links. If I were designing a (rapid) data roaming service (as opposed to a
>telephone roaming service) I would use an unprotected link layer discovery
>protocol which selectively elicited responses on some criteria that would
>avoid a deluge of replies to identify two or three likeley network access
>ports/points and then preauth at those points, selecting one of the points
>to be the active attachment point (and firing a couple of multicasts into
>the network with the roaming stations MAC address to teach the rest of the
>network where the roamer is, note that the attachment points themselves
>don't have to know which is the active one, so they are out of the time
>critical piece).

Seems reasonable to me.

>Note that in my models (basic and roaming extended) the end station never
>has the task of finding out which bridge is doing crypto after that bridge
>has begun crypto. The crypto wrapper is removed and separately applied hop
>by hop.

In 802.10, we assumed that some bridges were crypto enabled and the some 
were not.  You are making the same assumption, but with different 
consequences.  If a non-crypto-enabled bridge was between two 
crypto-enabled ones, 802.10 would provide encryption between the two 
crypto-enabled ones, and the non-crypto-enabled bridge would pass 
ciphertext.  In your proposal, all of the traffic would be plaintext, as 
neither pair of neighbors is capable of doing crypto.

Is this an acceptable constraint?

>In the bridged networks we deployed across the country we didn't imagine of
>course that we could safeguard all control traffic back to the (twinned)
>NOCs by such hop by hop protection. In each metro area we had a IPSEC tunnel
>(the real picture is rather more sophisticated to cope with all sorts of
>network partitions and failures in unattended locations without opening up
>points of attack, but that detail is not relevant here) inside the enclave
>(to borrow your term) for that area which went back to the NOC enclave. So
>basically any time the protection couldn't be covered by hop by hop layer 2
>mechansism it goes in a fixed higher layer tunnel (only for control

This is not MAC control frames, right?  By control traffic you mean SNMP 
and RADIUS and other stuff that is on top of IP, right?  If so, then I can 
see how such an architecture could be made to work.  Are there other 
architectures, with non-crypto-enabled bridges passing ciphertext, that we 
need to consider?
