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[LinkSec] The Task In Front Of Us - slides from January Interim (Friday a.m.)

The Task In Front Of Us

- Identify Use Cases (Network Configurations)

- Classify (& Reduce) Threats into those of Business Case Relevance

- Agree (Use Case x Threat) Importance/Relevance & Difficulty
	+ Remove Threats covered by other Mechanisms

- Identify Performance Goals & Technological Constraints on Partitioning &

- Devise a Top Level Architectural Partitioning for a System Soln. into
Mechanisms Providing:
	+ MAC Level "Protection"
	+ Port Level Enforcement
	+ Bridge Level Traffic Segregation
	+ Higher Level Key Distribution
	+ Higher Level Authenticity

- Outline PARs for above to provide functions to defined interfaces

Slides contents as per meeting, with minor corrections for clarity,
substitution of architectural for architecture, and inclusion of performance
considerations and technical constraints - shown at meeting on separate
slide after comment.