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[LinkSec] Meeting notes 2/11/03

ECSG LinkSec
Feb. 11, 2003

Dolors Sala, chair,
Allyn Romanow, notes,

Attendees: Bob Moskowitz, Dan Romascanu, Allyn Romanow, Ali Abaye,
Dolors Sala

Dolors is getting in touch with SPs to see if they can do
presentation at plenary. She doesn't have update right now.

Schedule for plenaryu
8:30-10:30 Monday
Afernoon, plenary for 802
then 802.1 group
last hour ECSG
tutorials Monday evening- 3 of them 1 hour each
There are other tutorials scheduled for other WGs, we couldn't get
more time for tutorials. If there are followup discussions, they can
be during the planned meeting time.

Exec is currently discussing moving to SG to 802.1 as proposed at the Interim.

Tues, Weds meeting schedules, not decided yet, don't want to overlap with .1
When we get contributions, we can figure out in more detail, decide
schedule based on contributions

Dan- objective for March meeting?
Dolors - work on plan and identify the PAR, summary of the scope
3 objectives now - usage scenarios, architecture model, identify
portions of the work, defining the components of the
project. Suggestions welcome.

Dan - What about the procedure? Do we need to get renewed as a SG?
Dolors - yes, now the Exec is discussing rechartering under 802.1.
If they pass it, we will become part of 802.1 on Monday afternoon.
Then the procedure part is over.

Dan - March and May meetings are when we should prepare the PAR or
decide not to do anything. Is that correct?

Dolors - yes, continue being a SG, submit PAR - it will either be
approved or rejected.
option 2 - SG decides not move forward and doesn't submit a PAR

Scenarios, architecture, threat models

Contributions for plenary -
Bob M. is working on an arch. doc.
Dolors is getting info from SP
How about a summary of .17 for Monday morning? Is this useful?
Dan - this is one of the possible models. It would useful. Right now
.17 is in a critical state.

Dolors - Requirements, threat models- need to have presentations on these.

Dolors will get in touch with people for more contributions for the plenary.