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[LinkSec] Security Scenarios

Attached are the revised slides of the scenarios based on the call conversations. It also includes an opinion on the level of importance of each scenario. The list of participants in the discussion of the scenarios are listed in the front page. Please check if the initial consensus reached in the calls is well captured. Additional comments and opinions are welcome. The broader the consensus before the meeting the better.
We talked about classifying the scenarios in different ways to express the needs. These slides contain 3 classifications: business, trust, and functional scenarios.
The business models describe scenarios based on deployments. We need more information and confirmation from service providers, and everybody in general, on the importance and completeness of these scenarios. I expect to get a presentation on the secure bridged network scenarios from the service providers.
The trust models represent these scenarios based on the easy access to the components of the network. Each trust model requires different level of protection. Feedback from service providers as well as the entire community is needed to guarantee completeness of this part. 
This protection requires different levels of functionality as described with the functional scenarios. Review and feedback from the security experts is solicit on this part.
Overall, the functional scenarios are the ones that determine what the group should do. But the other scenarios are part of the process of identifying what the needs are. From these scenarios we can obtain an initial set of objectives for the group as given in the last slide. Again, review and feedback is solicit. Also, contributions on refining these objectives, as well as initial proposals to address these objectives, are needed for the March meeting.
Based on this, we also derived in the calls an initial list of business requirements for the solution. We can keep adding to this list. In addition, a contribution on EPON requirements and threat models is expected. And contributions on requirements and threat models for the other scenarios are solicited.
Please note the contribution deadline is March 3rd. If you are planning a contribution please let me know. The tutorials will be ready early next week. Thanks to the organizers. We will also have an overview presentation on 802.17 motivation (target scenarios) and MAC operation from the 802.17WG. Get ready your questions for them too.
