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[LinkSec] Tomorrow's call: SG objectives

A reminder of our weekly call for tomorrow. Call in details at the end.
In the last meeting, we said that we needed the scenarios to start any further discussion. So, now that we have an initial consensus on scenarios, we can start thinking on objectives. (Note that these scenarios are just a starting point and will be discussed and refined in the meeting as needed.)
So I would like to spend tomorrow's call on objectives.
The question is to identify what work needs to be done to define a security mechanism for these scenarios and how we can define objectives to work in parallel (but collaborating) different aspects of the actual architecture. We can then talk on contributions or material needed to make progress on each of the main objectives.
As a starting point, I had put 3 main objectives in the scenarios slides. 
  1. A transparent secure data encryption (SDE) mechanism (high priority)
  2. A link protection mechanism for 802.3 networks if added functionality is needed in 1. (high priority)
  3. A discovery protocol (low priority)
Please think about these issues and give your recommendations and priorities so we can discuss.
The call in details are:

Date: Tuesday
Time: 2:00 PM EST
Dial: 877-237-7156
The International/toll number is: 908-991-0191
Access code for both: 826435