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[LinkSec] Re: Call tomorrow: threat model discussion

Please note that the message initially sent by Ken Alonge, and now Rene's additional comments bounced because the attached file is larger than 100KB. The original file sent by Ken is now posted at:
I am having problems updating the page to link to the file but the file can be accessed through this pointer.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 11:55 AM
Subject: Re: Call tomorrow: threat model discussion

Hi Ken:

I reviewed your document and it seems a good basis for discussions this
afternoon. The only remark I have are as follows:
p.1, "Introduction", line 5: security services do not counter threats, but
security measures do.
p. 2, "LAN characteristics", line 4: same remark.

Furthermore, I usually have a more security objectives point of view.

Confidentiality as security objective
- physical measures (wired networks where channel access is hard)
- logical measures (wireless networks)

"Ken Alonge" <> on 04/15/2003 10:38:14 AM

Please respond to "Ken Alonge" <>

To:   "Dolors Sala" <>, "LinkSec" <>
cc:   Rene Struik/Certicom@Certicom, "Mahalingam  Mani" <>
Subject:  Re:  Call tomorrow: threat model discussion


Attached is the strawman paper that I put together for discussion among Rene,
Mani, and myself.  It is an adaptation of the threat assessment that was done
for .10.  The goal of the strawman is to present the generic threats posed to
wired and wireless LANs.  Eventually, we, the rest of the LinkSec SG and members
of the affected working groups have to determine the derived threats against
specific LAN technologies, as well as against specific safeguard mechanisms.
These will be in the form of annexes.  A start toward that goal is provided in
the wireless annex.

I'm not sure what depth of discussion we can have today.  It might be good for
people to just read the document at this point and provide comments on whether
or not they believe this is the right direction.

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Dolors Sala
  To: LinkSec
  Cc: Rene Struik ; Mahalingam Mani ; Ken Alonge
  Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 6:00 PM
  Subject: Call tomorrow: threat model discussion

  A reminder that the next linksec call is tomorrow at 2:00pm EDT. Call in
details given below.

  Tomorrow's discussion is on threat model and it will be led by Rene Struik,
Mahalingam Mani and Ken Alonge. No material is available yet. But some slides
may be sent by them to the reflector before the call tomorrow.



  Call in details:

  Date: Tuesday
  Time: 2:00 PM EST
  US Dial: 877-237-7156
  The International/toll number is: 908-516-0200
  Access code for both: 826435