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[LinkSec] Confirmation ballot of P802.1d/D2

This Email is attached to an official 802.1 Confirmation ballot form for 

As this is a confirmation ballot, some different rules apply:

- The balloting period is only 15 days; the closing date is:

         12 May 2003

- The subject matter of the ballot is NOT the entire document; the scope of 
this ballot is ONLY those changes to the draft that were made in order to 
resolve the D1 ballot comments, and any ballot resolutions that may have 
been incorrectly applied.

- You need to return a ballot ONLY if you wish to change your previous vote 
on P802.1d/D1.  If you do not return a ballot, your previous vote will 
apply unchanged.

- Responses are particularly solicited from those voters that made 
Disapprove votes on the previous ballot, namely Tony Jeffree, Norm Finn, 
Les Bell, in order to confirm their verbal indication that the agreed 
ballot resolutions address their concerns, and that these have been 
correctly applied in the current draft.

- Assuming that this ballot completes with no new negative votes, there 
will shortly be a sponsor ballot on this draft. The scope of the Sponsor 
ballot is the whole text. The editors particularly request that any issues 
identified with the document that are not within the scope of the 
confirmation ballot be separately identified now if at all possible to 
allow the group maximum time to consider the correct action to be taken. 
The chair extends his usual invitation to submit sponsor ballot comments on 
behalf of anyone not in the sponsor ballot pool.

- The editors will accept notification of any editorial nits that have 
escaped so far, separate from the ballot. Editorial and spelling issues 
etc. are routinely dealt with in preparation of final text after all ballot 
completion, but another set of eyes is always useful.

- Only those 802.1 voting members and liaisons that were eligible to vote 
on the P802.1d/D1 ballot are entitled to vote in this ballot.  Those people 

D1 vote 	Name
------- 	----

Y	Floyd Backes
Y	Frank Reichstein
Y	Hal Keen
Y	Hesham Elbakoury
Y	Laura Bridge
N	Les Bell
Y	Loren Larsen
T	Michael D. Wright
Y	Michel Thorsen
Y	Mick Seaman
Y	Neil Jarvis
N	Norm W. Finn
T	Paul Congdon
DNV	Ran Ish-Shalom
N	Tony Jeffree

(Y = Approve, N = Disapprove, T = Abstain due to lack of time, DNV = Did 
Not Vote)

The PDF file of P802.1/D2 can be found at:

The disposition of the comments on the D1 ballot can be found at:

To access either file, the following userID/Password are needed:

User ID: p8021
Password: go_wildcats

If you have any difficulty downloading or reading either file, let me know.

Further notes relevant to the D2 text:

- Annex A, the PICS, has been completely revised as expected and following 
the resolution of comments and discussion at the last meeting. In the rest 
of the document change bars highlight the areas of change made for this 

- This will be the last time that Annex Z appears attached to this 
document. It will be removed from the sponsor ballot, updated as necessary 
to reflect any final changes, and made available on the 802.1 website. Any 
comments on Annex Z therefore fall outside the ballot proper, but will 
still be gratefully received as the final version of this annex is prepared.

- This will also be the last time that the change barred versions of the 
state machines appear in a draft. Final versions of these will be 
incorporated into the archived Annex Z. The sponsor ballot will have clean 
copies of the machines.

As is normal with 802.1 ballots, any ballot comments must specify not only 
what problems have been identified with the text, but also what the 
commenter proposes as a solution. In particular, any Disapprove ballots are 
required to be accompanied by a clear statement of the changes that the 
voter requires to be made to the text in order for the ballot to be changed 
to Approve. Any comments accompanying the ballot must be presented using 
the following template:

NAME:           <Your Name>
COMMENT TYPE:   <TR (Technical, Required), T (Technical), ER (Editorial, 
Required), or E (Editorial)>
CLAUSE: <Clause/subclause number>
PAGE:           <Page number>
LINE:           <Line Number>

<Details of comment>


<Details of suggested changes>


Your ballot must be returned to:

You are requested to use (exactly!) the appropriate Subject line from
the following set when returning your ballot. Please send your ballot
with the Subject line explicitly set, rather than using the Reply
function in your mailer.
P802.1d/D2 Ballot - Approve
P802.1d/D2 Ballot - Comments (with approve)
P802.1d/D2 Ballot - Disapprove
P802.1d/D2 Ballot - Comments (with abstain)
P802.1d/D2 Ballot - Abstain

Tony Jeffree,
802.1 Chair.

Ballot form follows.....
16 July 2002
TO: Tony Jeffree
Editor, P802.1d
SUBJECT: P802.1d/D2 - MAC Bridges - Revision

_____ I Approve (may attach non-binding comments below)
_____ I Disapprove (must attach binding comments below)
_____ Non-Voter - Comment Only (comments attached below)
_____ I Abstain for the following reasons (may attach non-binding comments 
______ Lack of Time
______ Lack of Expertise
______ Other: _______________________________________________

(Telephone No.)