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[LinkSec] RE: [802.1] Confirmation ballot of P802.1d/D2

At 08:36 29/04/2003 +0200, you wrote:
>Thank you for your detailed explanations.
>I have additional questions:
>You wrote:
>Tony> You can clearly send comments and requests at any time - the
>Tony> more relevant
>Tony> question is when we (802.1) are able to do anything sensible
>Tony> with them.
>Could you please post to some
>invitation every time, when the TG is ready to consider
>comments and/or requests from persons outside TG, please?

I already do, in the form of Task Group and Working Group ballot announcements.

>Tony> Once Sponsor balloting is complete, the document can be
>Tony> finally approved
>Tony> and published. Any further problems identified have to be handled via
>Tony> maintenance processes - errata, interpretation requests, etc.
>Who may send "interpretation requests"? Must these "interpretation
>requests" be formatted into any official form?

There are details of where to send interpretation requests in the front 
matter of the published standards. Note that these are for published 
standards only.

>Tony> ...your comment can be included at that stage,
>Tony> and if you wish, I will include it in my ballot response
>Should I remember you on "Sponsor ballot" stage
>of .1D about this your obliging proposition?

I will post a message to the 802.1 mailing list when the document goes out 
for Sponsor ballot. Remind me then that I need to include your comments in 
my ballot response.
