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[LinkSec] Membership update post Ottawa

Yet another membership update, incorporating attendance information from the June interim...

a  definition of the current membership rules. As those of you that were present in March will know, the current 802 rules on membership are somewhat in need of some minor clarification, i.e., major re-writing; however, the following reflects current (and historical) practice within 802.1 with regard to achieving, maintaining, and losing voting membership:

- 802.1 holds two kinds of working sessions; Plenary sessions (in conjunction with the Plenary sessions of 802 as a whole), in March, July, and November of each year, and Interim sessions, scheduled as needed between Plenary sessions.

- Each working session consists of a number of meetings; a meeting is a contiguous period of time during which the working group (or its task groups) meet to do business. Typically a meeting consists of a morning or an afternoon during a Plenary or Interim session; there are therefore typically 4 or more meetings held during a session.

- Participants in 802.1 working sessions can claim attendance credit by signing the signup sheets circulated during each meeting. By signing the sheet, you are indicating that, by the end of that meeting, you will have been present for the majority of the time allocated for that meeting. (This last point is significant, as it is not legitimate to claim attendance at a meeting of two different working groups that occupy the same time period.)

- If a participant claims attendance credit for 75% or more of the meetings scheduled for an 802.1 session, then they have achieved qualifying attendance at that session.

- If a participant has qualifying attendance at two out of the last four Plenary sessions of 802.1, then they can claim voting membership at the next Plenary session they attend, PROVIDED THAT they have indicated to me that they have the intention to become a voting member of the working group. Qualifying attendance at one properly constituted 802.1 Interim session that occurred during the span of the four Plenary sessions can be substituted for one of the two qualifying Plenary session attendances.

- Voting membership is maintained by qualifying attendance at two out of the last four Plenary sessions of 802.1, and by responding to 2 out of the last 3 Working Group ballots. Again, qualifying attendance at one properly constituted 802.1 Interim session that occurred during the span of the four Plenary sessions can be substituted for one of the two qualifying Plenary session attendances.

- Voting membership, and all attendance credit achieved up to that date, can be lost by a participant failing to meet their financial obligations to IEEE 802 or to the sponsors of an Interim meeting, i.e., by failing to pay any attendance fees or dues that may be owing to IEEE 802 or to a meeting sponsor.


If you are planning to gain voting rights in 802.1, please bear in mind that you should regard voting membership as an obligation, rather than a privilege. By gaining voting rights, you are signing up to active participation in the work of the WG, and in particular, to active participation in WG ballots. If you do not feel able to commit to doing that work, please reconsider whether it is appropriate to become a voter. In order for our work to progress, we are required to gain a 75% voter response rate in WG ballots, so the last thing we need is voting members that cannot or will not carry out their obligations.

The following are currently voting members of 802.1:

Floyd           Backes
Les             Bell
Paul            Bottorff
Laura           Bridge
Jim             Burns
Dirceu  Cavendish
Paul            Congdon
Hesham  Elbakoury
Norm W. Finn
David           Frattura
Gerard  Goubert
Steve           Haddock
Ran             Ish-Shalom
Neil            Jarvis
Tony            Jeffree
Hal             Keen
Bill            Lane
Roger           Lapuh
Loren           Larsen
Dinesh  Mohan
Bob             Moskowitz
Don             O'Connor
Glenn           Parsons
Frank           Reichstein
John            Roese
Allyn           Romanow
Dan             Romascanu
Dolors          Sala
Mick            Seaman
Kazuo           Takagi
Michel  Thorsen
Dennis  Volpano
Karl            Weber
Michael D.      Wright

The following voting members of 802.1 will lose their voting rights if they do not attend the next Plenary session:

Floyd           Backes
Laura           Bridge

The following are currently voting liaisons to 802.1 from 802.11:

David           Halasz
Russ            Housley
Tim             Moore
Dorothy         Stanley
Jesse           Walker

The following have indicated that they wish to become voting members and have sufficient qualifying session attendances to claim voting status at the next Plenary session they attend:

Marco           Carugi
Arjan           de Heer
David           Elie-Dit-Cosaque
Atsushi Iwata
Manu            Kaycee
Cheng-Yin       Lee
Mahalingam      Mani
Ken             Patton
Jessy V Rouyer
Ali             Sajassi
Arnold  Sodder
Jonathan        Thatcher
Geoff           Thompson
Ludwig  Winkel
Glen            Zorn

The following have indicated their intention to become voting members but have not so far achieved any qualifying session attendance:

Shawn           Yang

The following have indicated their intention to become voting members and have achieved one qualifying session attendance:

Kenneth Alonge
Stephen Bailey
Christoph       Muench
Rene            Struik
Geoffrey        Waters

The following currently have more than one qualifying session attendance, and could become voting members at their next Plenary session attendance if they indicate to me their desire to become voters:

Craig           Easley
Marcus          Leech
Tohru           Inone
Satoshi         Obara
Antti           Pietilainen
Jaeyeon Song

The following currently have at least one qualifying session attendance, but have not indicated to me their intention to become voting members:

Ali             Abaye
Atsushi Abe
Robert  Barrett
Richard Cam
Ted             Chang
Girish          Chiruvolu
Su-il           Choi
Charles         Cook
Thomas          Dineen
Bernard         Dugerdil
Yukihiro        Fujimoto
Bob             Gaglianello
Ajay            Gummalla
Kyeong-Soo      Han
Marc            Holness
Youngkoo        Jang
Kazuho          Kawagachi
Tetsuya Kawakami
Lior            Khermosh
Jin             Kim
Jong Hee        Kim
Junghak Kim
Kwangjo Kim
Yongbum         Kim
Glen            Kramer
Ted             Kuo
Jackson Lambert
                Le Goff
Jaehwoon        Lee
Seyonn          Lim
Tommy           Long
Ariel           Maslos
Kent            McCammon
Bill            McIntosh
Richard Michalowski
Ken             Murakami
Gerry           Pesavento
Georgi          Petkov
Bill            Quackenbush
Ryan            Rirth
Sam             Sambasivan
Concita Saracino
Steve           Shadix
Curtis  Simonson
Egbert-Jan      Sol
Matt            Squire
Kumaran Veerayah
Genadi          Velev
Gerard  Vergnand
John            Vollbrecht
Alan            Weissberger
Joris           Wils
Robert          Wu
Ilan            Yevushalmi
Osamu           Yoshihara
Joshua  Zhao
Satoshi         Zino

Please let me know if you feel the above does not properly reflect your attendance/voting status, or if you intend to become a voting member of 802.1.

