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[LinkSec] Fwd: RE: [802.1] September interim

Gerard Goubert  has made the following observations:

>I would like to throw out the possibility of holding future interim
>meetings at one of the following locations which are only within a few
>minutes of our facilities (
>Durham, NH - There is the New England Conference Center plenty of space
>for 802.1 people to stay and meet. (
>Portsmouth, NH - Various hotels/conf. centers around to accommodate
>802.1 folks.
>More Links here:
>And here:
>The 10Gbase-CX4 SG just had an interim in Portsmouth and after the
>meetings one night everyone took a trip over to our facilities for a
>full tour.
>Other groups (PoE, EFM, I believe it was.) have even had meetings all
>week at our facilities where they could discuss something and go over
>into the lab space and try it out.see if it works and they go back to
>the meeting to discuss the results.
>I know we can't even start to compete with Barcelona, or Italy, but we
>do have some nice foliage in the fall and some good lobsters ;-)
>Also advantages are:
>Biggest advantage is the lab resources of equipment and expertise; most
>of the active companies in 802.1 have memberships and equipment at our
>facilities already.
>High BW - on OC-12 backbone with 10/100/1000 and Wireless access
>throughout the facilities.
>Projector systems, video recording, and electronic whiteboards (mimio:
>does auto capture of whiteboard sessions) in the conference room and
>If you are interested in using our facilities/laboratory for any purpose
>or would like information please contact me. If you would like to simply
>arrange meetings at one of the places listed in the links above please
>let me know as we could probably negotiate some deals as being part of
>the University System of New Hampshire allows a bit of leverage.
>Gerard Goubert
>Bridge Functions and Wireless  Manager
>IPv6 Engineer
>UNH InterOperability Laboratory
>IPv6: 603.862.2804
