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[LinkSec] [802.1] P802.1aa/D6.1 Ballot - Approve

Title: P802.1aa/D6.1 Ballot - Approve

P802.1aa/D6.1 EMAIL BALLOT
16th June 2003
TO: Tony Jeffree
Editor, P802.1aa/D6.1
SUBJECT: P802.1aa/D6.1 - 802.1X Maintenance
_X____802.1 Voting Member
_X____I Approve (may attach non-binding comments below)
_____ I Disapprove (must attach binding comments below)
_____ I Abstain for the following reasons (may attach non-binding comments below):
________ Lack of Time
________ Lack of Expertise
________ Other: _______________________________________________
_____ Comment Only - Non-voter (comments attached below) 
 Dinesh Mohan __________________________________________
_ 613-763-4794 ___________________________________________
(Telephone No.)