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RE: FW: [LinkSec] updated handoff presentation

EAP WG has so far declined to add network discovery to RFC 2284bis, and 
would probably prefer this be done somewhere else if possible.  Network 
discovery is often used in order to figure out which network to attempt to 
associate (and authenticate) to, so doing this in EAP is often inconvenient. 
  There are some APs that include network info now in the 
EAP-Request/Identity, but it is not universally implemented at this point.

In terms of the interactions between Discovery and 802.1X, I think we need 
to look at how we want Discovery to interact with the 
controlled/uncontrolled port model.  It seems to me that we'd need to be 
able to send Discovery packets prior to 802.1X authentication, since the 
purpose is in part to discover which network to authenticate to.  That would 
imply that Discovery traffic would have to be processed on the uncontrolled 
port, not the controlled port (as LLDP is).  This doesn't necessarily imply 
that Discovery has to have the same Ethertype as 802.1X, I don't think.  In 
PPPOE, the Discovery packets do use a different Ethertype than either Data 
or Authentication, and so I'd say that's probably the default way to go at 
this point.

In terms of MTU, we do have an IETF proposal for DDP which is justified in 
part because of the perceived usefulness of IP fragmentation.  However, IP 
fragmentation can cause incorrect reassembly to occur if datagrams are sent 
before an IP address is assigned -- which can be quite likely in IEEE 802.1X 
situations.  As a result, it doesn't appear to me that DDP really does 
address the fragmentation issue.

>Some reasons I can think of right now.
>1) Semantics. EAPoL is just as its name suggests, a transport for EAP,
>not a network discovery component. Mixing the semantics of protocols can
>lead to unintended consequences.
>2) Scheduling. Limiting detection time to a particular point in the EAP
>or EAPoL message sequence will run counter to the goal of making
>detection swift and lightweight that serves the needs of wireless
>devices seeking low power operation and low duration handoffs.
>3) MTUs. Individual frames have limitations on size. The scope of
>handoff and network discovery related information is potentially large.
>A standalone disovery protocol could address the proper encapsulation of
>this in a straightforward way.
>4) Overlap with EAP. EAP is looking to add this feature into the
>semantics of the request-identity data field and this is arguably the
>better place to do that sort of thing.
>5) Pragmatic. There is a motivated handoff group chomping at the bit to
>write this spec. Doing it in 802.1aa would introduce interdependencies
>with all the other 802.1aa work going on.
>LLDP is one of those mystery specs. I've never read it and don't know if
>it's a good thing or not. My reading list is getting longer.

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