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[LinkSec] 802.1 Interim meeting schedule

The schedule for the 802.1 Interim meeting (week of 22nd September) will be 
based on the following:

Monday    9.00-10.30  802.1 WG opening Plenary, Tony's introductory remarks

Monday    11.00-12.30 LinkSec

Monday    2.00- 5.00  LinkSec

Tuesday   8.30-12.30  LinkSec

Tuesday   2.00- 5.00  LinkSec

Wednesday 9.00-12.30  Interworking (P802.1ab/D5.1 ballot resolution, 
Maintenance PARs)

Wednesday 2.00- 5.00  Interworking (Provider Bridging)

Thursday  9.00-12.30  Interworking (Provider Bridging)

Thursday  2.00- 5.00  Interworking (presentations, NWI/FYI)

Friday    9.00-10.30  Interworking (Provider Bridging)

Friday    11:00- 12:00  802.1 WG closing Plenary
