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RE: [LinkSec] Meeting material

Don't read too much into the 'crypto stuff' on the right hand side of the SecY diagram. That doesn't define the algorithm. The current state of discussion is that a generic 'crypto blob' goes there, the packet, KEY and other local state associated with the SA (e.g. replay counter) go in. Plaintext and other goodness comes out the top (or the reverse for Tx).

What is in the 'crypto blob' is determined by the selected ciphersuite entry  for the SA which would determine the details of the mode.

Presumably, if we are suitably diligent about what we put in the ciphersuite, we can then state exactly what the security guarantees are for each selection.

What the diagram does do is show the relationship between the controlled/uncrontrolled port and the crypto functions.


David Johnston
Intel Corporation
Chair, IEEE 802 Handoff ECSG

Email :
Tel   : 503 380 5578 (Mobile)
Tel   : 503 264 3855 (Office)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf 
> Of Mats Näslund
> Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 4:12 AM
> To: LinkSec
> Subject: Re: [LinkSec] Meeting material
> Hi,
> Dolors Sala wrote:
> > DJ material is now posted at the same page:
> > 
> >
> I have two questions regarding some of these.
> On Don's "format" presentation, p 8, I read:
> "ICV Size
> ** Birthday attack susceptible modes
> - Strength proportional to sqrt(2^n) where n is the number of bits"
> Bits in the tag?
> This was up for discussion a few weeks ago, and I still wonder
> what are these modes and attacks? AFAIK, there are no generic
> birthday attacks on the tag size as such. For iterated MIC 
> constructions, there are birthday attacks, but these attacks depend
> on the  internal state space size, not the tag size (unless 
> they happen 
> to be the same, e.g. as in CBC_MAC). Basically, these attack makes
> use of the fact that if two distinct messages x, y, end up in the
> same state after a number of iterations, then for any fixed z,
> x || z and y || z will have the same tag. Another attack, is that by
> Breneel et al  which actually gets *more* efficient as the tag size 
> increases! I think it is important to be clear on how various
> parameters relate to security. Of course, there may be an attack
> that I am not aware of, in wich case I woule be interested to hear
> about it. In general though, a good MIC should behave like a pseudo
> random function, and thus, there should be collsions as we approach
> the "birthday bound".
> Secondly, on Mick's "SeCY Functions", p 2, if I understand
> correctly you promote an integrity-before-encryption order.
> Since we know that this is suboptimal both from DoS-resistance
> and from cryptographic point of view, I wonder what good rationale
> there is for still doing so.
> cheers,
> /Mats