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Re: [LinkSec] Linksec meeting in Albquerque

At 01:12 PM 9/30/2003 -0400, Leech, Marcus (EXCHANGE:FITZ:8M86) wrote:

>If I had a choice, I'd like the have the LINKSEC meeting later in the week,
>   preferrably on Thursday.  That way, I can cover some important things at
>   the IETF meeting, then head down to the IEEE meeting on Wednesday evening.
>It may be too late, but that's what I'd prefer...

It looks like I will have to leave thursday a bit early to catch a 6pm 
flight.  Getting home in time is a bit involved.  Fly to Salt Lake, 
thenVegas, then catch the red eye to Detroit.  Otherwise it is a 2pm 
departure on thursday....

So if we do thursday, I hope it will be wed-thursday.

We should have a ballot for 1X-REV-D7 to go through.

Robert Moskowitz
Senior Technical Director
ICSA Labs, a division of TruSecure Corp.
	(248) 968-9809
Fax:	(248) 968-2824

There's no limit to what can be accomplished
if it doesn't matter who gets the credit