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[LinkSec] Fw: security standards inquiry re: China

Another topic for discussion for next week.
Below is an inquiry on china's program on putting encryption and security on top of 802.11.
If anyone has additional information or comments please provide them through the reflector and  initiate the discussion in advance.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 10:22 PM
Subject: Re: security standards inquiry re: China


This is very well known by my WG.

Indeed we are working on this aspect, and my Chairs are informed on this. Please ask IEEE to directly contact us for the very latest information, or direct the inquirer to us to save any delay, and be informed from the source within 802.11.

That all said, Dave Halasz (Chair, TGi) and I have been involved with this at 802.11 and within the Wi-Fi Alliance. In fact after my Chairs meeting on Monday we actioned our group to discuss this within TGi and the WG to get a position and then possibliy present this to the 802 EC for comment and possible approval as an output under the LMSC policies and procedures.

As a fill-in, WAPI is mandatory in China as of December 1st, 2003, and they are to be lobbied via the US government WTO sections for a stay of execution / delay period at a very high level. Retrospectively, this is also proposed for Europe. This is being done by industry lobbying and by groups such as Wi-Fi. Indeed Dave and my fellow members of Wi-Fi were in China the other week doing just this. It may evolve that WAPI may be pushed by the government there into an international standard, with which I am very concerned with. I do think that we in IEEE must push our case, and address this directly. THIS may also happen with QoS, which I am equally concerned for. But,  one battle at a time. This also may be the very point of 802.11 standards being ISO linked.

/ Stuart

P.S. Paul, please in future address all emails to me to BOTH of my email addresses because I don't mind duplicates, but more importantly I am all over the place and I can have the information promptly. Thanks.


Stuart J. Kerry
Chair, IEEE 802.11 WLANs WG

Philips Semiconductors, Inc.
1109 McKay Drive, M/S 48A SJ,
San Jose, CA 95131-1706,
United States of America.

Ph  : +1 (408) 474-7356
Fax: +1 (408) 474-7247
Cell: +1 (408) 348-3171

David Halasz <>

11/06/2003 12:59

        To:        "Paul Nikolich" <>

        cc:        <>
"Tony Jeffree" <>
"Dolors Sala (E-mail)" <>
"'Carlo, Jim TI'" <>

        Subject:        Re: security standards inquiry re: China


At 03:50 PM 11/6/2003, Paul Nikolich wrote:
>Please see the below inquiry from Judy Gorman on the issue of how to respond
>to iquires from China on encryption and security.  I don't know the
>details--Judy can provide them.  Please give her assistance in this matter.
>--Paul Nikolich
>Chairman, IEEE 802
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <>
>To: <>
>Cc: <>; <>
>Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 2:53 PM
>Subject: on another subject
> > Dear Paul:
> > I have had two recent inquiries (one just a moment ago from a corporation,
> > the other from ANSI staff) on what IEEE's thinking is on the matter of
> > China's program of encryption and security being placed on top of the
> > 802.11 technology. Can you provide any insights? We certainly have not
> > deliberated this at a board or staff level. Many thanks.
> > Best,
> > Judy
> >
> >

Dave Halasz
Cisco Systems, Inc.
4125 Highlander Parkway
Richfield, OH  44286