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[LinkSec] Copyright notices on presentations

A reminder - please ensure that presentation materials do not contain copyright notices or confidentiality statements. Our operating rules state:

(Source: 2003 IEEE-SA STANDARDS BOARD OPERATIONS MANUAL) Confidentiality Statements and Copyright Notices on Communications
The IEEE-SA Standards Board and its committees operate in an open manner. To that end, no material
submitted to the IEEE-SA Standards Board or its committees will be accepted or considered if it contains
any statement that places any burden on the recipient(s) with respect to confidentiality or copyright. Any
communication, including electronic mail, containing language with such restrictive wording will not be
accepted or considered.
It should be noted that this policy does not apply to IEEE copyrighted materials, such as draft standards. In
the event that copyrighted materials are to be incorporated in an IEEE standard, an acceptable copyright
release or assignment must be obtained from the copyright owner prior to approval of the standard by the
IEEE-SA Standards Board.
