The IEEE P802.22 WG on Wireless Regional Area Networks continued work on its functional requirements document and made considerable progress during the March 2005 IEEE 802 plenary session in Atlanta, GA.
The document was not completed, but frankly I would have been surprised if it had been due to the amount of work involved. Our schedule and work plan call for the document to be completed by the end of our May 2005 session.
We will continue to progress the work via weekly conference call meetings of several ad hoc groups between now and the May session in Cairns, Australia, and I expect that we will meet our scheduled goal of completing the document there.
Given that the requirements document is, in fact, completed in May, I would anticipate a call for proposals to be issued in time for proposals to be presented at the July plenary session. (As far as how many proposals might be submitted, I have no idea and would not be willing to venture a guess at this point.)