802.20 Closing Report


The 802.20 Working Group completed review of the comments associated with recirculation of the Letter ballot on the 802.20 draft. Some editorial changes were made as a result of these comments. The group then voted to forward the draft to Sponsor Ballot. The Working Group revoted the draft at the end of the meeting and confimed that there were no changed votes after the comment resolution from the votes that had been submitted in response to the recirculation.

Two motions were brought to the closing EC. The first to forward the draft to Sponsor ballot and the second to recommend to the Standards Board that the voting method used in the sponsor ballot be similar to that directed for use by 802.20 by the UCEC. Both motions were passed by the UCEC unanimously.

The working group also selected topics for development within 802.20 in the future. These topics will be developed into PARs for review by the EC.