Rules change comments from Floyd Ross
Thank you for your interest and comments.
I will post your comments (attached) to the SEC reflector for consideration
on this rules ballot.
At 09:29 AM 5/17/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi Paul,
>Replacing the elimination of the closing plenary with a vague "through web
>posting" is not good enough.
>A number of attendees, including me, need to keep track of the progress of
>all (or most) of the IEEE 802 activities. When I return from the IEEE 802
>plenary meeting, having paid the registration fee and all of associated
>costs or attendance, I need to know, at least at an overview level, what
>happened in all of the IEEE 802 WGs. It is impossible to participate in
>one meeting (for example, IEEE 802.3 as I do) and keep track of the
>progress in the other WGs at the same time. The closing plenary and the
>foils made available immediately afterward satisfied this need.
>If IEEE 802 is going to eliminate the closing plenary, which by the way I
>believe is a big mistake, the rules must replace it with a statement like:
>"The current progress of all the IEEE 802 WGs (in slide format) shall be
>posted to one common web location which is updated on a regular basis,
>specifically including the Friday of the regular IEEE 802 plenary meeting
>week. Chairman who do not post WG status promptly as required shall be
>subjected to extreme public humiliation. This site must be readily
>accessible to all IEEE 802 attendees and shall not require multiple
>passwords created at the whim of each of the WG chairmen, nor shall its
>password, if any, be changed frequently. The URL and the password, if one
>is deemed necessary, to access this information shall be supplied on each
>attendee's IEEE plenary registration receipt and valid at least until the
>conclusion of the next plenary meeting."
>Thank you for considering my comments.
>See you in July.