FW: Brief Report September IEEE-SA Standards Board
Here's a summary of Standards Board meeting notes from Jerry Peterson.
Again, appreciate your support for Jerry for IEEE-SA BOG chair.
Jim Carlo(jcarlo@ti.com) Cellular:1-214-693-1776 Voice&Fax:1-214-853-5274
TI Fellow, Networking Standards at Texas Instruments
Chair, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 Telecom and Info Exchange Between Systems
Chair, IEEE802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee
From: Jerry Peterson, ComSoc: Chair Standards Committee and Representative
to IEEE-SA Standards Board
Subj: September 21, 2000 IEEE Standards Association (SA) Standards Board
General Information:
The IEEE-SA now has a total of 5,969 members (there are 368,225 IEEE
members). Of these, 1,098 are members of ComSoc. Clearly, we have many
more ComSoc members who are active in standards than is indicated by our
number of active standards projects. I believe many of them are active in
802 standards work while recognizing that ComSoc covers many of their
technical interests. Is
there some action indicated here?
IEEE-SA standards production has a run-rate of about 75 standards per year,
a typical year.
IEEE-SA electronic balloting is becoming more accepted and there was
discussion of making electronic balloting either mandatory or the default
method. Your views are welcome. Addition consideration: E-ballots save
about 50 days and are expected to save the IEEE about $100,000 a year when
compared to paper ballots.
IEEE-SA is working a MoU with the ITU-R that will facilitate the exchange of
technical information and the cross-referencing of each others work. This
signals both the importance of IEEE standards work in the field of wireless
communications and the importance of communication standards in the IEEE.
Europe's ETSI and the IEEE are expanding cooperation under their existing
MoU to: 802.11a/HiperLAN2 at 5 GHz and 802.16/ETSI-BRAN for fixed wireless.
Jerry Peterson
ComSoc Standards Committee Chair
ComSoc Rep to IEEE-SA Standards Board