Low Rate PAR and 5c
To the SEC--
Attached is the draft PAR and 5c for a low rate wpan created by the
Low Rate Study Group (LRSG). These were approved by the 802.15
Working Group, at its September meeting, for submission to the SEC for
consideration and action at the November Meeting in Tampa. It is
the intention of the LRSG to hold a tutorial on the topic at the Tampa
meeting. Please direct any questions or comments to Sean Middleton
( sean.middleton@philips.com)-chair, Pat Kinney
(kinneypw@norand.com)-vice chair, or myself.
Bob Heile
Verizon Technology Organization
Chair IEEE 802.15
40 Sylvan Road, Waltham, MA 02451
Phone: 781-466-2057
Fax: 781-466-2575
Pager: 800-759-8888 PIN 1109355