Hilton Head Meeting
I showed the following charts at the IEEE Standards Board Meeting yesterday.
1) Note that I have set the agenda for the SEC meeting on Thursday night to
include one-hour of joint IEEE 802 and IEEE-SA Standards Board discussions
(7:00pm -8:00pm). After this one hour, we will move directly to the IEEE 802
SEC agenda, and I will commit to finish this by 12:00midnight. Will discuss
more of the speakers/agenda here later. But you might think about what
directions you believe the IEEE standards board should drive.
2) Dawn, Theresa will be contacting you to send out a notice to standards
board members on how to register for the hotel.
Jim Carlo(jcarlo@ti.com) Cellular:1-214-693-1776 Voice&Fax:1-214-853-5274
TI Fellow, Networking Standards at Texas Instruments
Vice Chair, IEEE-SA Standards Board
Chair, IEEE802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee