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Re: IEEE 802 Meeting Attendance

I hate to be an obstructionist, but I am not ready to sign on to this request.

We already have a process for polling our people as to their intent 
to attend: namely, preregistration. If the request is to instigate 
people to make up their minds soon about preregistration, then I'll 
be happy to pitch in. I can also ask people to cancel if they have 
preregistered but changed their mind. But just asking people to tell 
me that they are going to preregister doesn't seem like a worthwhile 


At 3:29 PM -0800 01/02/15, Dawn C. Slykhouse wrote:
>To All IEEE 802 Working Group Chairs:
>As per Jim Carlo's memo regarding attendees cutbacks,
>Buzz has requested that we have each WG Chair poll their group
>to check on the number of attendees who are committed to
>coming to Hilton Head.
>This is very important, as we may need to coordinate more overflow
>guest rooms and meeting space.  As well, this will help us anticipate any
>and all potential cutbacks.
>We would appreciate your response by:   Monday, February 19 or sooner.
>Many thanks,
>Dawn C. Slykhouse
>IEEE 802 Conference Organizer
>cc: Darcel Moro and Buzz Rigsbee
>Dawn C. Slykhouse
>Managing Director
>Face To Face Events, Inc.
>2699 Iversen Court
>Santa Clara, CA.  95051
>Tel: 408/241-8906
>Fax: 408/241-8918
>Other Email: