[802SEC] FW: SLR Call for Candidates for the IEEE-Standards Association Standards Board and Committees
fyi. If you are interested, see me at the July-2001 Plenary meeting.
Jim Carlo (j.carlo@ieee.org) Cellular:1-214-693-1776
TI Fellow, Networking Standards at Texas Instruments
Vice Chair, IEEE-SA Standards Board
Chair, IEEE802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-std-liaison-reps@ieee.org
[mailto:owner-std-liaison-reps@ieee.org]On Behalf Of r.gertz@ieee.org
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 7:02 AM
To: stds-board-comm@ieee.org; std-liaison-reps@ieee.org;
stds-wg-chairs@ieee.org; stds-scc@ieee.org; sa-bog@ieee.org
Cc: society-presidents01@ieee.org
Subject: SLR Call for Candidates for the IEEE-Standards Association
Standards Board and Committees
The Nominations and Appointments Committee (N&A) of the IEEE-SA Board of
Governors is soliciting the names of candidates to serve on the 2002
Standards Board and its Standard Committees.
The IEEE-SA Standards Board is responsible for:
a) Encouraging and coordinating the development of IEEE standards.
b) Reviewing all proposed IEEE standards to determine whether the proposed
standards conform to the requirements established by the IEEE-SA Standards
Board and whether consensus has been achieved for approval of the approved
If you would like to be considered for the 2002 IEEE-SA Standards Board,
note the following fules that apply to any potential candidate, and forward
a brief,
one page bio and contact information to me at the address provided.
The slate of candidates will be forwarded to the IEEE-SA Board of Governors
their review in October 2001, with a final decision to be made at their
November 2001
Rules for IEEE-SA Standards Board membership:
1. The time commitment is four meetings in 2002:
21 March - Piscataway, NJ
13 June - Piscataway, NJ
12 September - Piscataway, NJ
12 December - New York City
Attendance is expected at all meetings, with the possibility of your
participation on a
standing committee as well. This would incur another day of meetings prior
to the Standards
Board meeting.
2. This is a non-funded position. Members are expected to fund their own
3. Members must have an email address, web access, and a laptop computer
bring to the meeting.
The IEEE-SA Standards Board Position Description can be found at the
following website:
Review the Position Description in light of the basic functions, specific
responsibilities, and
accountabilities that this position requires.
Please do not hesitate to contact r.gertz@ieee.org if you have any
We look forward to your participation in 2002.
Best regards,
IEEE-SA Nominations and Appointments Committee