Re: [802SEC] +++Motion: CD-ROM for 2002
I vote Disapprove.
I don't think we need this. The six-month delay in the GetIEEE
program is not enough to justify the CD. By the time we come out with
a CD in November, everything approved at the previous December and
February Standards Board meetings will already be six months old and
therefore already on the web. The stuff approved in June will
probably be on the web soon. And the stuff approved in September will
probably be too new to get on the CD anyway.
Also, the absence of a 2002 CD doesn't mean that people will need to
do a massive download. After all, they already have a 2001 CD (and,
last I checked, we still had a supply of extras). So, if people have
to download the few additional files they need, they won't suffer too
badly. We could even put them on the network server that we have
decided to support at the November meeting. This would be simple, and
it would avoid the first-mile access bottleneck that will exist until
802.16 MANs are widely available.
So, while I think it's fine to update the CD occasionally, I don't
think we need to do it annually.
Conversely, the cost is too high in terms of:
*production dollars
*volunteer production labor
*distribution labor cost and associated Wednesday turmoil
*getting bugged to submit a voter list
At 7:49 PM -0500 01/08/31, Jim Carlo wrote:
>Issue Date: 24Aug2001 Closing Date: 4Sept2001
>Moved By: Geoff Thompson Seconded By: Buzz Rigsbee
>Move: CD Rom for 2002
>Motion: Update IEEE 802 Standards CDROM for distribution at the November,
>2001 meeting. Authorize funds to make 1000 copies (approximately $3000).
>1) Motion made in 1999:
>Update IEEE 802 Standards CDROM for distribution at the November, 1999
>meeting. Authorize funds to make 500 copies (approximately $1500).
>2) IEEE Operating Rules
>IEEE 802 -- 2001/01 FILE: LMRULE0301.DOC Procedure 6
>1. Books will be distributed to those participants of the Working Group and
>major contributors
>listed in front matter of the standard who directly contributed to that
>standard or supplement.
>The LMSC Chair will establish the book distribution policy. The Executive
>Secretary in
>conjunction with the Working Group chair will implement the policy
>information to provide to the IEEE Office for any distribution by IEEE
>2. CD-ROMs, containing all IEEE 802 standards available at that point in
>time, available
>normally at the July Plenary on an annual basis, will be distributed to
>registered attendees who
>are Working Group voting members or SEC members at the issuing meeting, and
>subsequent plenary meetings for those not attending the issuing meeting
>until a new CD-ROM
>is available. Handout will occur on Wednesday (8AM-5PM).
>The CD-ROM program will be reviewed annually by the IEEE 802 Chair and the
>IEEE Standards Department to ensure its appropriateness and to make any
>adjustments in the product development process and business arrangements
>that might be necessary.