[802SEC] Re: 802.0 ReCirculation
Jim -
The IEEE lawyers considered it to be a problem that the clause would simply
disappear in this revision; hence the NOTE. As the front matter is not the
subject of the ballot (it is not part of the standard), the front matter
text was not included in the ballot package.
At 20:22 04/09/2001 -0500, Jim Carlo wrote:
>Tony, I received your recirculation ballot. The note is confusing to me.
>I guess I was under the impression that the Clause 5 would be deleted, it
>would have been nice if the balloter could see the what was going to go in
>the Front matter. Have you seen this?
>Jim Carlo (j.carlo@ieee.org) Cellular:1-214-693-1776
>TI Fellow, Networking Standards at Texas Instruments
>Vice Chair, IEEE-SA Standards Board
>Chair, IEEE802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee