[802SEC] Gates and IEEE 802.11 Std.
the item below from previous chair, Don Loughry.
Jim Carlo (j.carlo@ieee.org) Phone:1-214-693-1776
J.Carlo Consulting LLC (Focus on Telecom
Vice Chair, IEEE-SA Standards Board
IEEE802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee
I call your attention to a rather astounding quote in USA Today
(10/31/01) . The headline reads "Gates speaks on bioterror, Passport and
importance of 802.11". The article was written by Kevin Maney in the Technology
section. It reported on dinner conversation the evening before Windows XP
introduction last week. The article is wide ranging, shifts to the internet
bubble which Gates describes as a giant distraction that, in time, will be seen
as having debilitated tech innovation. During the dotcom era innovation per
dollar was lower than at any time in history. A journalist then asked if
anything significant came out of the past few years. "People will look
back and say, 'Wow, at least they did 802.11', Gates asserts". Added explanation
is then given about 802.11. A cartoon with Gates holding an "802.11" star is
within the article.
This is in some ways a remarkable statement or
perhaps Bill Gates is "maturing" somewhat. In previous years, Microsoft in
general and Gates in particular have had harsh words for standards efforts, have
pulled the rug out from under key standards projects, and been quick to
criticize "non-Microsoft" efforts.
Jim, could you forward this message
on to Vic Hayes and any others you think might be interested in the 802