[802SEC] Wednesday deadline for 802 News Bulletin info
Here is an update on the 802 News Bulletin:
*The deadlines of last Monday and last Wednesday are well behind us.
*To me knowledge, only 802.1 and 802.16 have contributed 802 News
Bulletin input.
*No one else has said anything (e.g., "I'll send something"; "I won't
send something", ...)
*802.15 identified Jim Meyer the Working Grop point of contact.
>So far, I have information for the 802 News Bulletin only from Tony,
>and no one has given me a Working Grop point of contact.
>Per the note below, Karen needs everything by Wednesday.
>Let me remind you of the details of my request:
>>As PR Point of Contact, I agreed to solicit news items for the next
>>802 News Bulletin.
>>Please format items along the lines of the last News Bulletin:
>> http://standards.ieee.org/802news/IEEE_SA2.html
>>Assume that the audience is not made of specialists in your field.
>>Send them to Michael Bratnick <mbratnick@corecompr.com>, with a
>>copy to me. Please try and get your material submitted by this
>>weekend. The Bulletin will be delayed by the delay of a single
>>Working Group. I have agreed to hound-dog the Working Group chairs
>>until they respond. If you plan to submit no material, please let
>>me know so I can stop pestering you. Also, if you name a PR contact
>>for your group, I can start bugging that person and leave you alone.
>>Thanks for the information. It's helpful. We are particularly interested in
>>the formation of the 802.18 Radio Regulatory Technical Advisory Group. This
>>may warrant a separate press release. We will be following up for more
>>Unfortunately, to date we have not received news items/information from the
>>802 working group chairs or designated points of contact. Per Roger's email
>>of 14 March to "stds-802-sec"--that asked for the chairs to try to get us
>>their news items by this past weekend--we anticipated having a portion if
>>not all of the information needed to begin work on the 802 News Bulletin
>>I realize moving forward, we are working on putting in place an improved
>>process to get the information in advance of the meetings so we can begin
>>to draft the news bulletin and specific press releases, and I will be
>>providing a plan to 802 that addresses this shortly. However, in light of
>>our current situation, in order for us to get the next edition of the
>>bulletin (covering the recent March 802 Plenary) within the next two weeks,
>>we need to have all working group activity information by Wed, 20 March.
>>Thanks so much!
>>Karen McCabe
>>Senior Marketing Manager, IEEE Standards
>>445 Hoes Lane, PO Box 1331
>>Piscataway NJ 08855 USA
>>PH: +1 732 562 3824
>>email: k.mccabe@ieee.org
>>>I have attached a top level summary of the non-working group activities for
>>>Project 802 that can be used in the IEEE press release. See attached.
>>>Please review and forward to Karen McCabe.