RE: [802SEC] +++ SEC EMAIL BALLOT +++ Motion: 802.16a to Sponsor Ballot
I support the objections to forwarding a draft to sponsor ballot where a
working group has not finished its technical work. I do not find it
acceptable to forward a document with TBDs.
I also support the 802.11 position that there was not sufficient
coordination between the 802.16 WG and the 802.11 WG to address the concerns
about coexistence in the unlicensed bands. I do not lay the fault for this
lack of coordination at the feet of either WG. It just did not happen.
Since the are no safe havens for 802.11 in any licensed bands as there are
for 802.16, it is critical to the success of the work done by the 802.11 WG
that other 802 standards, at least, do not make it impossible for 802.11
devices to operate in the unlicensed bands.
For these reasons, I vote DISAPPROVE on the motion.
-Bob O'Hara