[802SEC] 802.11f Draft to IEEE Sponsor Ballot
My TGF Chair has reminded me to confirm my intent to ask for a motion at
the beginning of the July 802 Plenary SEC meeting regarding our IEEE
802.11f Draft for approval to go to Sponsor Ballot. This notice shall
serve as that intent.
Closing today is WG Letter Ballot #37 that requested the Working Groups
approval to initiate a Recirculation Ballot of TGf Draft P802.11f-D3.1,
which seems to have been approved by the membership. It is our intention
to start a 40-Day Letter Ballot (#38), if LB #37 results confirm this
action, on Wednesday next week for the Recirculation the Draft to WG
members. If this passes with the prescribe percentages then I will ask
for the requested motion at the SEC meeting in July. As normally
required I will also include the required documentation before the 30
day requirement to the other SEC members.