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FW: [802SEC] +++ SEC Rules Change Letter Ballot +++ Definingtimes for Opening and Closing SEC Meetings

Paul,    I agree with Mike that the motion should state the exact change in
question, but I vote approve on the proposed change from the minutes.  

Thanx,  Buzz
Dr. Everett O. (Buzz) Rigsbee
Boeing SSG
PO Box 3707, M/S: 7M-FM
Seattle, WA  98124-2207
Ph:  (425) 865-2443
Fx:  (425) 865-6721

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Takefman []
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: [802SEC] +++ SEC Rules Change Letter Ballot +++ Definingtimes
for Opening and Closing SEC Meetings


I just checked the SEC minutes for March and the motion shown
below does not include the text shown in the SEC minutes,
nor does it reference the SEC minutes.

I would like to make sure I understand just what I am
voting on. Are we voting on the rules change text
from page 6 of

If so, I agree with Rogers comments and vote Disapprove.

My vote would change to Approve if the time for the closing
plenary is changed to start at 8am and to conclude by
either noon or 1pm.



Tony Jeffree wrote:
> I vote "Approve".
> Regards,
> Tony
> At 12:00 29/05/2002 -0600, Roger B. Marks wrote:
> >I vote "Disapprove", with the following comments:
> >
> >The proposed time of the Closing SEC Meeting is too late. The change will
> >extend the SEC member's responsibility by 18 hours each meeting; due to
> >travel limitations, this will, in effect, be a 24 hour extension. This
> >extra responsibility will seriously limit the pool of potential SEC
> >
> >Perhaps more importantly, the delay will limit the access of observers to
> >the SEC process. Regular 802 participants will find it difficult to
> >justify saying over another night to observe. Furthermore, given that 802
> >Plenary Sessions are virtually always in the US, non-US participants will
> >have an extremely long trip if they wish to attend the SEC as observers.
> >The same is true of SEC members, of course, which means that this change
> >will strongly limit our ability to expand our contingent of non-US SEC
> >
> >The 802.16 Working Group has taken a strong stance on this issue,
> >approving unanimously in its Closing Plenary (24 May 2002) the following
> >motion: "To urge that SEC meetings be concluded by noon on Friday of each
> >802 Plenary week in order to ensure that SEC meetings remain open in
> >practice as well as in theory."
> >
> >I suggest that the rules change be modified to provide that the Closing
> >SEC Meeting be held from 8 am until noon on Friday. I see the following
> >advantages:
> >
> >*SEC members and observers could go home on Friday afternoon.
> >*This schedule would reduce or eliminate the possibility of WGs holding
> >the closing meetings just before the SEC meeting. WGs would have time to
> >get their work in order.
> >*This schedule would accommodate WGs that need more time than is allowed
> >by the Thursday night SEC meeting. WGs could, if necessary, hold their
> >closing plenaries on Thursday night. For example, 802.16 has decided to
> >so in July.
> >*A Friday afternoon SEC meeting would provide only about four hours more
> >WG time than a Friday morning SEC meeting. Most of this could be
> >on Thursday night, if groups aren't already putting that time to use.
> >*Groups that need more time can and should adjust their starting times
> >appropriately. Sunday is available if necessary.
> >*Another possibility to which I am open is to move the SEC Opening
> >to Sunday night and scheduling the 802 Opening Plenary for 8-9 am Monday.
> >This would let the WGs get started at 9 am Monday morning. Other WGs, at
> >their option, could still start later. This earlier SEC start would
> >an additional burden for SEC members. However, for most, it doesn't
> >any extra nights away from home.
> >
> >Roger
> >
> >
> >At 4:52 PM -0500 02/03/17, Paul Nikolich wrote:
> >>
> >>Dear SEC,
> >>
> >>Scope:  Rules Change to set the Plenary Session opening and closing SEC
> >>meeting times.
> >>
> >>Purpose: To give Working Groups more meeting time by moving the closing
> >>meeting to Friday and to eliminate confusion surrounding the times of
> >>opening and closing SEC meetings.
> >>
> >>Rationale:
> >>At the March 2001 Plenary Session Howard Frazier proposed making the
> >>of the opening and closing SEC meetings during plenary sessions
> >>with respect to absolute start times.  He proposed a rules change which
> >>Nikolich was to have initiated.  The rules change process was never
> >>resulting in the closing SEC meeting times being set in an ad-hoc manner
> >>(March, Fri 8-12PM; July, Fri 3-7PM; November, Fri 3-7PM; March 02,
> >>1-6PM tentatively)
> >>
> >>The ballot opens March 18, 2002 and closes June 8, 2002 12 midnight EDT
> >>(remember if you do not vote or abstain it is equivalent to a DISAPPROVE
> >>vote).  Buzz, please ensure this gets sent to the 802-wide email list as
> >>well.  WG chairs, please invite your WG members to comment through you.
> >>
> >>Regards,
> >>
> >>--Paul Nikolich
> >
> >
> Regards,
> Tony

Michael Takefman    
Manager of Engineering,       Cisco Systems
Chair IEEE 802.17 Stds WG
2000 Innovation Dr, Ottawa, Canada, K2K 3E8
voice: 613-254-3399       fax: 613-254-4867