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RE: [802SEC] Get IEEE 802 program status report; motion proposal

Jerry,    As was suggested in the FAQ discussion, having a Get802 posting
date that is directly related to approval date (as opposed to publication
date) provides some added incentive to get to publication sooner, something
I think we would all encourage.  I'm sure we can find a number which
represents a reasonable time to publication that can be added to 180 days so
that the 6 month selling window is protected.  Faster publications would
mean extra time to receive revenue from sales, a trade-off that I think 802
would support.  

Thanx,  Buzz
Dr. Everett O. (Buzz) Rigsbee
Boeing SSG
PO Box 3707, M/S: 7M-FM
Seattle, WA  98124-2207
Ph:  (425) 865-2443
Fx:  (425) 865-6721

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Saturday, June 01, 2002 9:50 AM
To: Rigsbee, Everett O
Cc:; 'Roger B. Marks';;;
Subject: RE: [802SEC] Get IEEE 802 program status report; motion proposal

Thanks for your endorsement.  I am unable to ascertain your editorial
changes for the moment but I do want to comment on your request.  Please
note that posting of the PDF to the Get IEEE 802 website is based on
publication not approval date.  We will do our best to post in the seventh
month so that we have the opportunity to derive revenues for six months as
agreed.  We will also do our best to publish quickly and ask for your
technical editors to support a fast turnaround after approval.
