[802SEC] FW: BOG agenda
Dear SEC,
Dear SEC
Attached below is the BoG membership and agenda for you to share with your
WG attendees. I will have this info posted on the bulletin boards as well.
--Paul Nikolich
BoG Members:
Ben Johnson, SA president
Gerald Peterson, SA president elect
Jim Carlo, StB chair
Don Heirman, SA past president
Dick Holleman, treasurer
Judy Gorman, Secretary
Chuck Adams, Roy Alexander, Dan Benigni, Dennis Bodson, Stephen Diamond, Al
Kiener, Bruce McClung, Paul Menchini; members at large
Wally Read, Don Fleckstein, Lowell Johnson (unknown position/title)
-----Original Message-----
From: m.nielsen@ieee.org [mailto:m.nielsen@ieee.org]
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 5:07 PM
To: p.nikolich@ieee.org
Subject: BOG agenda
Paul, here's the BOG agenda as requested.
(See attached file: 7-02BOGagen.doc)