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RE: [802SEC] Agenda items for closing plenary

	I will be making a motion asking the SEC to create the Coexistence TAG as
the recommendation from the Study Group.  I'll send out the presentation
later today.
Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Bob O'Hara
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 1:26 AM
To: 802sec (
Subject: [802SEC] Agenda items for closing plenary


Please send me (and copy Paul) your agenda items for the closing SEC meeting
as soon as you are aware of them.  You can even send me speculative items.
It is easier to remove than to add.  Plus, your working groups never
surprise you, anyway! ;^)

We are starting a bit more quickly after the closing 802.11 plenary than we
have in the past and I will have much less time to prepare the agenda.  Your
cooperation will be greatly appreciated!


Bob O'Hara
Black Storm Networks
250 Cambridge Avenue
Suite 200
Palo Alto, CA 94306

Phone:  +1 650 617 2935
Mobile: +1 408 218 4025
Fax:    +1 810 277 4718